Currently the URL is hardcoded to this in the code.
// DefaultAPIBaseURL is the default base URL for API requests
const DefaultAPIBaseURL = ""
Good idea @gedw99 , sorry I took ages to see this. Have upgraded to v2 quotes , and will consider adding the env toggle as a config like you suggest (shouldn't be too hard)
Currently the URL is hardcoded to this in the code. // DefaultAPIBaseURL is the default base URL for API requests const DefaultAPIBaseURL = ""
Would it be useful to also be able to tell it to use the sandbox URL ?
Maybe best way is to have a config boolean called "useSandbox", and then in pkg/client.go pick the right URL.
Also i noticed that there use different versions in the URL depending on the operation.
saw that your using the old one "/v1/quotes/" for some reason. Maybe the Sandbox and Production use different versions ?