jts / nanopolish

Signal-level algorithms for MinION data
MIT License
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question about multiple runs #1105

Closed huawen-poppy closed 10 months ago

huawen-poppy commented 10 months ago

Hello Jared,

I recently have three sample runs. I am wondering could I put all the output files into one folder and then run the nanopolish, or should I run the process separately on each sample?

Best, Huawen

jts commented 10 months ago

Hi @huawen-poppy,

I can't answer that without more information - what are you trying to do (run eventalign, polish an assembly, etc)?


huawen-poppy commented 10 months ago

Hi, Jared.

I am trying to run the eventalign.

jts commented 10 months ago

Then it is fine to merge all data into one folder.

huawen-poppy commented 10 months ago

I see, thank you for your quick response!