jts / nanopolish

Signal-level algorithms for MinION data
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Can fastq be indexed without indexing fast5? #632

Open Shians opened 5 years ago

Shians commented 5 years ago

I am using nanopolish to call methylation. As far as I can tell nanopolish index indexes the entire contents of a fast5 folder and a single fastq file. So for multiple fastq file derived from the same folder of fast5 files (as in the case when Guppy produces fastq containing 4000 reads each) the index.readdb will be computed for EACH of the nanopolish index calls, even though it contains enough information for all the fastq files.

I have written my own script to split a index.readdb into smaller files containing only the reads relevant to specific fastq files, however I cannot run nanopolish without generating the other 3 index files.

Is it possible to skip the fast5 indexing step while still generating the remaining indices?

Shians commented 5 years ago

I've hacked it myself and introduced a

int index_nodb_main(int argc, char** argv)
    parse_index_options(argc, argv);

    // Read a map from fast5 files to read name from the sequencing summary files (if any)
    std::multimap<std::string, std::string> fast5_to_read_name_map;
    for(const auto& ss_filename : opt::sequencing_summary_files) {
        if(opt::verbose > 2) {
            fprintf(stderr, "summary: %s\n", ss_filename.c_str());
        parse_sequencing_summary(ss_filename, fast5_to_read_name_map);

    // import read names, and possibly fast5 paths, from the fasta/fastq file
    ReadDB read_db;

    return 0;

to nanopolish_index.cpp. I don't fully understand the ramifications but it seems to work.

jts commented 5 years ago

The intended use case for most applications is to cat all the fastq files together, then run nanopolish index once. Next week when I'm back at work I'll look into adding an option like --skip-fast5s to avoid building the .readdb file. Alternatively I could add an option to index a single .fast5 file. Let me know what would be most useful for you.

Shians commented 5 years ago

Thanks @jts. The reason for what I'm doing is because I noticed that even with 16 threads allocated, the cluster reports less than 70% CPU utilisation, this is with new data I got with multi-fast5 files and I haven't found where the bottleneck is. However by running jobs separately on smaller files I'm able to run ~100 jobs at a time which speeds things up significantly, completing a job that I estimated would take over two months in less than a day.

I'll need to think a bit more about whether it's worth-while properly supporting my kind of workflow. The situation right now is quite messy:

  1. Get multi-fast5 files from a PromethION run.
  2. Guppy basecalling produces many 4000-read fastq.gz files. Annoyingly, despite the multi-fast5 containing 4000 read and the fastq.gz files containing 4000 reads, there's not file-to-file correspondence, so the reads in each fastq come from a mixture of fast5s.
  3. Run the regular nanopolish index once to get a single readdb file which I split using an R script to a collection of readdb files containing the index relevant to each fastq file.
  4. Run my custom nanopolish index-nodb on the rest of the fastq files to get the remaining index files.
  5. Use another R script to generate and submit 6000 jobs to my institute's cluster for nanopolish call-methylation.

I'm not sure how much of this makes sense to support in nanopolish. From an interface perspective, rather than skipping the fast5 indexing, it would make more sense to index a folder of fastq files. Since the work to index the folder of fast5 has to be done at least once, but should not be repeated per fastq if they came from a common origin folder.

  1. Iterate over all the reads in each fast5 file and create read-to-file mapping.
  2. Iterate over all the fastq files and reads in each fastq, and create the associated indices.
andreaswallberg commented 4 years ago

Did you resolve this issue @Shians or come up with an enhanced workflow?

I am in a similar position.

We have over 80 million PromethION reads and around 10TB of raw fast5. If I concatenate all fastq.gz I get an gzipped archive of 0.5TB. Indexing that fastq archive alone to get the .index, .index.fai,and .index.gzi took a long time. Subsequently scanning across all fast5 files to produce the .readdb in a single nanopolish process is very time consuming.

Do you or @jts have any suggestions for how to speed up/parallelizing the fast5 indexing?

Can the index job be restarted without re-indexing the fastq.gz archive (i.e. moving on if the index is already there)?