jts0103 / TailwindUI-spotlight

This project is Tailwind UI site template using Tailwind CSS and Next.js
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Next.js App router #6

Open coachee0103 opened 2 months ago

coachee0103 commented 2 months ago

Can't we use objectFit property of image tag in next.js app router?

doyen001 commented 2 months ago

you can definitely use the objectFit property with an image tag in a Next.js application. The objectFit property is a CSS property that specifies how an image should be resized to fit its container. It can be very useful when you want to control how an image is displayed within its container.

Huniko519 commented 1 month ago

In Next.js, the <Image> component is a powerful tool for optimizing and displaying images. It’s designed to handle responsive images, lazy loading, and other performance optimizations out of the box. However, as you’ve noticed, some properties have changed in different versions of Next.js.

  1. Object Fit in Next.js 13: In Next.js 13, the objectFit property is no longer directly supported as an attribute of the <Image> component. Instead, you can achieve the same effect by applying styles directly to the image using the style prop. Here’s how you can set the object-fit property:
<div className="relative">
  <Image src="/path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="Your Image" fill style={{ objectFit: 'cover' }} />

In this example:

The parent container is relatively positioned (hence the relative class). The fill prop ensures that the image takes up the entire available space. The style={{ objectFit: 'cover' }} sets the desired object-fit behavior.

  1. Object Fit Options:

If you want the image to fit the container while preserving its aspect ratio (letterboxing if necessary), use object-fit: 'contain'. If you want the image to cover the entire container (cropping if necessary), use object-fit: 'cover'.

  1. Legacy Approach (Deprecated): In earlier versions of Next.js, you could directly set objectFit as an attribute. However, this approach is now considered legacy and is deprecated. Stick with the style-based solution for better compatibility with newer versions.

  2. Additional Optimization: Remember that Next.js also provides an Image Optimization API, which allows you to configure image breakpoints, enable remote images, and control caching behavior. It’s worth exploring if you’re dealing with various image sizes and formats.

Feel free to experiment with different styles and layouts to achieve the desired visual effect for your images. 😄 If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! 🌈✨

doyen001 commented 1 month ago

Hi H, How are you these days? Thank you for your message. How to use server action in next.js app router?

Huniko519 commented 1 month ago

Hi BB. Just so-so, not better and not bad. How about you?

How to use server action in next.js app router?


To use server actions in a Next.js app router, you can follow these steps:

  1. Enable Server Actions: In your next.config.js file, enable the experimental server actions feature:

    module.exports = {
    experimental: {
    serverActions: true,
  2. Define a Server Action: You can define a server action by adding the 'use server' directive at the top of an async function. For example, in app/actions.ts:

'use server';

export async function createItem(data) {
  // Your server-side logic here
  1. Use Server Action in a Component: You can call the server action from a client component. For example, in app/ui/button.tsx:
'use client';

import { createItem } from '@/app/actions';

export function Button() {
  return <button onClick={() => createItem({ name: 'New Item' })}>Create Item</button>;
  1. Form Submission with Server Actions: You can also use server actions with forms. For example, in app/page.tsx:
export default function Page() {
  async function handleSubmit(formData) {
    'use server';
    // Handle form submission

  return (
    <form action={handleSubmit}>
      <input type="text" name="itemName" />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>
  1. Revalidate Data: After a server action, you might want to revalidate the data to update the UI. You can use revalidatePath for this:
import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache';

async function createItem(data) {
  'use server';
  // Your server-side logic here

As you know, server actions allow you to handle data mutations securely on the server without creating extra API endpoints. This can simplify your code and improve performance.

IMU. From MR. Huniko.

doyen001 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Huniko, thank you for your message. Your response resembles an AI-generated answer, but it was still helpful. How's your new table tennis racket? Thanks for your time, and have a great weekend!

Huniko519 commented 3 weeks ago

I hope you are doing well. Yeah, It's generated by ChatGPT-4. Racket is good. I played with Golden Dragon last weekend. Until next time, take care, wrap up warm and GOODBYE.