jtsternberg / DsgnWrks-Instagram-Importer

Backup your instagram photos & display your instagram archive. Supports importing to custom post-types & adding custom taxonomies.
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Need more Details on Video Shortcodes and **codes #31

Closed wmodes closed 7 years ago

wmodes commented 7 years ago

According to the updated description:

The new shortcode, [dsgnwrks_instagram_embed src="INSTAGRAM_MEDIA_URL"], displays your imported media as an Instagram embed (works great for video!) and finally, you can now use the tags, insta-embed-image, and insta-embed-video, in the Post Content template to save the dsgnwrks_instagram_embed shortcode to the post.

That's great news. And I can see that my instagram videos are now in my media library in two different sizes. However, when Instagram Importer imports these posts, it only features the thumbnail photo. with a link to the instagram post.

If one has an instagram account that sometimes posts photos and other times posts videos, how do you make one user profile handle both gracefully?

My current user profile is similar to the default:

<p><a href="**insta-link**" target="_instagram">**insta-image**</a></p>
<p>**insta-text**[if-insta-location] -- at **insta-location**[/if-insta-location]
<a href="**insta-link**" target="_instagram">Via Instagram</a></p>

I would like to import both images and video, displaying whichever is appropriate, an imported image if it is an image, and wordpress embedded video if it is a video. How do I do that?

jtsternberg commented 7 years ago

If you add both tags, it should output the correct shortcode. Something like:

    <p><a href="**insta-link**" target="_instagram">**insta-image**</a></p>
    <p>**insta-text**[if-insta-location] -- at **insta-location**[/if-insta-location]
    <a href="**insta-link**" target="_instagram">Via Instagram</a></p>
    **insta-embed-image** **insta-embed-video**
wmodes commented 7 years ago

Okay, trying it. Assuming the following:

  1. If Instagram Importer finds a video it leaves insta-image empty.
  2. Conversely, if it finds an image rather than a video, it leaves insta-embed-image and insta-embed-video empty.
  3. My embedded html will render either way.

Is that correct?

<p><a href="**insta-link**" target="_instagram">**insta-image** **insta-embed-image**</a>**insta-embed-video**</p>
<p>**insta-text**[if-insta-location] -- at **insta-location**[/if-insta-location]
<a href="**insta-link**" target="_instagram">Via Instagram</a></p>