jtv / libpqxx

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After compilation, there are only pqxx files but no pqxx.hxx files. Is this normal? #829

Closed RageCPP closed 1 month ago

RageCPP commented 1 month ago
# root CMakeLists.txt
  GIT_REPOSITORY git@github.com:jtv/libpqxx.git
  GIT_TAG 2ffb711bc4e9b086bf0c549a9c22b19f61ab5476 # v7.9.0

# use libpqxx target CMakeLists.txt
find_package(libpqxx REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC

after build my include folder just had pqxx, not have pqxx.hxx image pqxx content image but when use it in neovim tell me error. image

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

I would like to add that although an error is reported, when I use the definition jump, I can jump successfully.

jtv commented 1 month ago

Yes, it is normal that there is no pqxx.hxx file. There is no need for such a file.

tt4g commented 1 month ago

pqxx/pqxx.hxx file does not exist in this repository. And the include error is probably a Neovim problem.

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

Can I create a file with .hxx suffix to help identify it? I think it may be a problem with clangd, but I haven’t found a solution yet.

tt4g commented 1 month ago

Since you have imported libpqxx as part of your project, isn't clangd recognizing the local header files? As far as the clangd documentation is reading, you need to create compile_commands.json or compile_flags.txt and make clangd recognize the compile flag.

It also says that compile_commands.json is generated by cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1.

jtv commented 1 month ago

Of course you can create whatever files you like on your system, but first I'd do a bit more searching to find out what the actual problem might be. It looks likely that somebody else will have run into it.

None of the headers in the C++ standard library have a suffix like ".hxx" to their names, and presumably neovim works with those. But perhaps the error you're seeing is indicative of a different problem, several layers of #include down. So perhaps open pqxx in neovim and see whether this error comes from one of the #include directives in there?

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

Since you have imported libpqxx as part of your project, isn't clangd recognizing the local header files? As far as the clangd documentation is reading, you need to create compile_commands.json or compile_flags.txt and make clangd recognize the compile flag.

It also says that compile_commands.json is generated by cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1.

Other imported packages can recognize header files, but it may not be correct because pgxx does not have a suffix, but I can't be sure.

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

Of course you can create whatever files you like on your system, but first I'd do a bit more searching to find out what the actual problem might be. It looks likely that somebody else will have run into it.

None of the headers in the C++ standard library have a suffix like ".hxx" to their names, and presumably neovim works with those. But perhaps the error you're seeing is indicative of a different problem, several layers of #include down. So perhaps open pqxx in neovim and see whether this error comes from one of the #include directives in there?

I tried to change pqxx to pqxx.hpp or pqxx.hxx and the file could not be found. image

tt4g commented 1 month ago

STL header files such as vector and utility also have no suffix. It seems strange that only pqxx is not recognized.

tt4g commented 1 month ago

Have you generated compile_commands.json? Also, if you are using some plugin to use LSP in neovim, have you checked how to use compile_commands.json in that plugin? For example, neovim-lsp seems to have a restriction that it only recognizes compile_commands.json in the project root directory: https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/v0.1.7/doc/server_configurations.md#clangd

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

Have you generated compile_commands.json? Also, if you are using some plugin to use LSP in neovim, have you checked how to use compile_commands.json in that plugin? For example, neovim-lsp seems to have a restriction that it only recognizes compile_commands.json in the project root directory: https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/blob/v0.1.7/doc/server_configurations.md#clangd

I'm sure it was generated image

image I tried adding hxx but it had no effect

tt4g commented 1 month ago

What LSP plugin do you use? The failure to recognize the header files provided by libpqxx is a problem with the LSP plugin or clangd and should be asked in those communities. No one in the libpqxx repository will know the cause.

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

What LSP plugin do you use? The failure to recognize the header files provided by libpqxx is a problem with the LSP plugin or clangd and should be asked in those communities. No one in the libpqxx repository will know the cause.

Yes, I posted a link to this issue in the clangd community, but no one has answered me yet.

RageCPP commented 1 month ago


tt4g commented 1 month ago

Even if we look at the clangd logs, we cannot investigate the problem from there.

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

I rechecked compile_commands.json, I found this

  "directory": "/home/rage/code/chessmeta/build/_deps/libpqxx-build/src",
  "command": "/usr/bin/g++-13  -I/home/rage/code/chessmeta/build/_deps/libpqxx-build/include -I/home/rage/code/chessmeta/build/_deps/libpqxx-src/include -I/usr/include/pgsql -std=c++17 -o CMakeFiles/pqxx.dir/binarystring.cxx.o -c /home/rage/code/chessmeta/build/_deps/libpqxx-src/src/binarystring.cxx",
  "file": "/home/rage/code/chessmeta/build/_deps/libpqxx-src/src/binarystring.cxx",
  "output": "_deps/libpqxx-build/src/CMakeFiles/pqxx.dir/binarystring.cxx.o"
rage@localhost:~/code/chessmeta/include/pqxx> ls /home/rage/code/chessmeta/build/_deps/libpqxx-build/include/pqxx/
config_cmake.h.in  config-internal-compiler.h  config-internal-libpq.h  config-public-compiler.h
rage@localhost:~/code/chessmeta/include/pqxx> ls /home/rage/code/chessmeta/build/_deps/libpqxx-build/include
CMakeFiles  cmake_install.cmake  Makefile  pqxx

There doesn't seem to be any problem

tt4g commented 1 month ago

@RageCPP Did you make a comment here by mistake, thinking it was a clangd community?

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

@RageCPP Did you make a comment here by mistake, thinking it was a clangd community?

Well, I think this problem may occur in many people who use nvim and pqxx, so I want to leave a record here so that people who have doubts can check it later. Should I stop what I submit here?

tt4g commented 1 month ago

I think it is a great idea to record the problem in case others encounter the same problem. However, the cost of all the information other than cause and solution also makes it difficult to find the really important information. It is better to just comment on how to solve the problem when it is solved.

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

I think it is a great idea to record the problem in case others encounter the same problem. However, the cost of all the information other than cause and solution also makes it difficult to find the really important information. It is better to just comment on how to solve the problem when it is solved.

Hello, I think I found the problem, but now I can't continue to troubleshoot. Does libpqxx have a discussion forum similar to discord? I will delete all irrelevant comments later and only keep the solutions.

image When I delete these lines under the pqxx file, the error is no longer reported

#include "pqxx/array.hxx"
#include "pqxx/binarystring.hxx"
#include "pqxx/blob.hxx"
#include "pqxx/connection.hxx"
#include "pqxx/cursor.hxx"
#include "pqxx/errorhandler.hxx"
#include "pqxx/except.hxx"
#include "pqxx/largeobject.hxx"
#include "pqxx/nontransaction.hxx"
#include "pqxx/notification.hxx"
#include "pqxx/params.hxx"
#include "pqxx/pipeline.hxx"
#include "pqxx/prepared_statement.hxx"
#include "pqxx/range.hxx"
#include "pqxx/result.hxx"
#include "pqxx/internal/result_iterator.hxx"
#include "pqxx/internal/result_iter.hxx"
#include "pqxx/robusttransaction.hxx"
#include "pqxx/row.hxx"
#include "pqxx/stream_from.hxx"
#include "pqxx/stream_to.hxx"
#include "pqxx/subtransaction.hxx"
#include "pqxx/time.hxx"
#include "pqxx/transaction.hxx"
#include "pqxx/transactor.hxx"

I moved the discussion here https://github.com/jtv/libpqxx/discussions/830

tt4g commented 1 month ago

There is no Discord, etc. It is a clangd or LSP problem that the header file is not recognized properly, so you should look for a Discord or something like that. And changing include/pqxx/pqxx will affect many users badly.

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

I think I may have found the final cause of the problem

// C++20: Assume support.
#if __has_include(<ranges>)
#include <ranges>

There is a problem with this code. Not all compilation options that support cpp20 contain this header file. image 1996d2e579f243fc86e80ac88454f14 94f6dec3efd3be372ca378a3f594985 my g++13 compiler

rage@localhost:/usr> g++-13 --version
g++-13 (SUSE Linux) 13.2.1 20240206 [revision 67ac78caf31f7cb3202177e6428a46d829b70f23]
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

and i am sure i use it image

tt4g commented 1 month ago

Since the existence of the header is checked by #if __has_include(<ranges>), if <ranges> is not provided, then #include <ranges> is ignored.

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

Since the existence of the header is checked by #if __has_include(<ranges>), if <ranges> is not provided, then #include <ranges> is ignored.

But it doesn't seem to work, It looks like it determines that I have this header file, but clangd tells me I don't have. I commented the #include <ranges> code in all files, and finally nvim no longer reported errors. I see what you mean, it may be a false positive from clangd

tt4g commented 1 month ago

it may be a false positive from clangd


RageCPP commented 1 month ago

issue end db2f1f8ac0f7bfc0769a922fe14a8d7

RageCPP commented 1 month ago

!!! use clang17 not use clang15

jtv commented 1 month ago

We do have a Discussions forum by the way.

But it does seem to me that libpqxx can work around this by adding a configure-time feature check for ranges support, and make the `#include

` conditional on _that,_ rather than on the header's presence. The annoying thing is that various static analysis tools will then start spewing false positives on C++17 setups, because the header is not present there. But since I'm trying to work towards a C++20-and-up release anyway, I can live with that On Sat, 11 May 2024 at 09:14, RageCPP ***@***.***> wrote: > !!! use clang17 not use clang15 > > — > Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub > , or > unsubscribe > > . > You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: > ***@***.***> >
jtv commented 1 month ago

@RageCPP @tt4g We do have a Discussions forum.

For a moment I thought that it might help for me to add a configure-time check for ranges support. But no — ranges support is used in the headers only. I don't think it would make sense to nail that down at configure time.

tt4g commented 1 month ago

@jtv Perhaps this is a clangd or Language Server issue. I am assuming that the project configuration was not loaded correctly because the header files that actually existed were not detected.

jtv commented 1 month ago

I see. Thanks @tt4.