jtydhr88 / sd-webui-txt-img-to-3d-model

A custom extension for sd-webui that allow you to generate 3D model from txt or image, basing on OpenAI Shap-E.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
262 stars 14 forks source link

Low/med VRam optimizations? #18

Open Alverik opened 1 year ago

Alverik commented 1 year ago

My video card always runs out of memory when I try to generate a 3D model, haha... Any chance any VRAM optimizations will be implemented in the future?

jtydhr88 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Alverik , since this project is built on OpenAI Shap-E currently, I will say I will support if OpenAI has the implement. I am also looking for another solutions for generating 3D models, hopefully they include low vram

macronomicus commented 1 year ago

I guess I wont test then, I only have 6gb vram on my olde 980ti lol I was looking at https://github.com/threestudio-project/threestudio today, found it from the zero123 implementation, they recommended it as the next level enhancement, & it looks amazing, their text does mention 6gb as the VRAM limit so there is hope! I have yet to test it, mainly because I can already create 3d objects so im not in dire need, but I would like to eventually have these shortcuts for whipping out rough drafts of things that I can enhance as needed,