Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Hello! Are you sure it is really deleted? Files which start with '.' are
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2012 at 11:10
No... I am sure of that. If I do ls -la it does not appear. Besides, if I make
cat /proc/swaps it does not list any swap files.... it was not happen in the
I tried to start everything from scratch in order to test p10... I formatted my
drive again and I configured everything again using the guide in the wiki
session. It creates the swap file perfect, but after finishing my configuration
(with transmission, cron and cast get) it is simply deleted.
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2012 at 11:17
Ok. Thanks. I'l' check it.
Original comment by
on 2 Feb 2012 at 11:19
I solved the problem in the harder way... i restored the original asus firmware
and the default setting.... then I upgraded to and I configured
the router again, step by step. Now it is working... however, I have noticed
that sometimes, when I reboot the router, my swap is simply deleted. When it
happens, I have to disable opt ware, recreate swap and reenable optware.
Thank you for your firmware. It rocks.
Asus should hire you for building firmwares for them ;-) The original firmware
sucks... and the download master is terrible!!!
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 10:42
Hi! Please, sorry! I completely forgot to check it.
I've done it now/ So, I've created swap file, switched it, then rebooted my
I can see it is mounted. So, it wasn't deleted.
Let's check if you're doing everything the right way:
1) what's the full path of swap you make?
2) how do you make it?
3) how do you mount it?
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 1:52
I am following the guide in
However the command opt-mkswap was not working... then I have created it using:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/AiDisk_a1/opt/.swap bs=1024 count=262144
# mkswap /media/AiDisk_a1/opt/.swap
Then I unwonted the driver, enabled opt ware and mounted it again... when I
connect to it through SSH, everything is ok.... if I type free I can see the
swap... the same happens with >cat /proc/swaps
However, sometimes, if I reboot the router, the swap file is deleted.... then I
have to create it again manually, following the same procedure.
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 2:09
Have you installed any other applications from repository, besides transmission?
Could you please post here:
# ls -la /opt/etc/init.d
and attach your transmission start script, please.
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 2:20
Yes... I have installed three applications.... transmission, nano and cast
get.... in that order!
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 2:22
Yes... I have installed three applications.... transmission, nano and cast
get.... in that order!
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 2:22
I'm not sure what is castget, but how do you start / stop it?..
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 2:55
You know, if you use only start options for this application and so not stop it
before disk unmount / reboot, usb disk is not being unmounted. If it doesn't
router reboots with mounted flash and maybe swap too. It may be the reason you
loosing it. It is very dangerous, your disk can be seriously damaged!
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 3:03
castget is a small program for automatically download torrents through rss...
it does not remain in memory... you call it, then it executes the process and
it stops... it just checks for new torrents in the server...
But I forgot one package.. I also installed cron... cron is responsible for
calling cast get at each 12 hours....
I am using the cron start script that you gave to me... I believe that this is
the same that you use. Cron starts automatically with my router... I am using a
S10cron script in /etc/init.d
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 3:45
Aaa, yeah, I remember that issue.. )
Ok, try to unmount disk via web iface (don't login via terminal or stop any
program in terminal). Then look to syslog in web iface. Is it clean? I mean are
there any messages like "can't unmount disk..." or smth. like that.
Original comment by
on 6 Feb 2012 at 4:30
[deleted comment]
[deleted comment]
[deleted comment]
Ok... firstly I cleared my log in order to avoid unuseful messages... then I
removed the HD via Web Interface... apparently it was ok... then I checked my
log and it had the following messages:
Feb 6 22:07:00 NFS Server: nfsd daemon is stoped
Feb 6 22:07:00 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Feb 6 22:07:00 FTP Server: daemon is stoped
Feb 6 22:07:00 Media Server DLNA: daemon is stoped
Feb 6 22:07:00 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Feb 6 22:07:00 started [/dev/sda1 /media/AiDisk_a1]
Feb 6 22:07:01 transmission-daemon: Stopping transmission-daemon...
Feb 6 22:07:03 transmission-daemon[10379]: Closing session
Feb 6 22:07:03 Deactivate swap file /opt/.swap SUCCESS!
Feb 6 22:07:03 umount /opt FAILED! Device is busy?
Feb 6 22:07:04 started [/dev/sda1 /opt]
Feb 6 22:07:04 umount /opt FAILED! Device is busy?
As you can see it is not amounting the HD properly...
Besides, I have noticed that my swap file was deleted again!
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 1:35
Yes, I can see. So, the next thing you can do. Let it be mounted as usually by
It seems that transmission daemon and Media Server were stopped successfully.
So stop all scripts with /opt/etc/init.d/S..... stop. Then cd to /. See what is
mounted. And try to unmount : umount /media/AiDisk_a1. If it fails type: fuser
-m /dev/sda1. It will show PIDs of processes, which use disk. If you could
unmount it without any problems, then the problem is in one of scripts in
By the way, it is strange swap is being deleted, because it is being
deactivated before the error...
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 2:29
[deleted comment]
[deleted comment]
[deleted comment]
Aha, here you go - the error should be here:
## Make sure an instance of daemon is running
if [ -z "`pidof $daemon`" ] ; then
echo -e "\v\t\033[1;37;41m ${daemon##*/} is not running! \033[0;0;0m\v"
exit 1
change with:
## Make sure an instance of daemon is running
if [ -z "`pidof ${daemon##*/}`" ] ; then
echo -e "\v\t\033[1;37;41m ${daemon##*/} is not running! \033[0;0;0m\v"
exit 1
and here:
killall -15 ${daemon##*/} 2>/dev/null ; sleep 1
I hope will work now...
there is interesting line below:
Feb 7 00:44:47 Media Server DLNA: daemon is stoped
Are you on p10? =)
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 4:16
PS: Pls, sorry for this script, was in hurry!
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 4:19
I was wrong... It has not worked after stoping S10cron, S10iptables and
S95transmission manually.
I rebooted the router and I tried to safetly remove the drive... it has not
worked, as expected. Then I checked and the process of cron and transmission
were automatically killed... I received the following process after using the
commend fuser -m /dev/sda1
/home/root # fuser -m /dev/sda1
1 732 734 735 790 796 798 799 800 807 825 832 842 843 846 849 851 859 860 871
874 877 892 949 1184 1185
/home/root # ps
1 admin 2984 S /sbin/init
732 admin 2288 S /sbin/syslogd -m 0 -S -O /tmp/syslog.log
734 admin 2288 S /sbin/klogd
735 admin 2980 S linkstatus_monitor
790 nobody 1272 S dnsmasq
796 admin 2928 S u2ec
798 admin 2928 S u2ec
799 admin 2928 S u2ec
800 admin 1532 S lpd
807 admin 1156 S miniupnpd
825 admin 2288 S udhcpc -i eth3 -p /var/run/ -s /tmp/udhcp
832 admin 2212 S /usr/sbin/pppd file /tmp/ppp/options.wan0
837 admin 0 SW< [scsi_eh_0]
838 admin 0 SW< [usb-storage]
842 admin 1736 S /usr/sbin/infosvr br0
843 admin 2980 S ots
846 admin 2980 S detect_internet
849 admin 3044 S httpd
851 admin 2288 S telnetd
859 admin 2212 S /usr/sbin/dropbear -W 65536
860 admin 2980 S watchdog
871 admin 1744 S networkmap
874 admin 1516 S lld2d br0
877 admin 1468 S rstats
892 admin 2300 S /bin/sh
949 admin 2980 S ntp
1184 admin 2308 S /usr/sbin/dropbear -W 65536
1185 admin 2300 S -sh
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 4:21
I'm sorry again there should be mount point, not device:
fuder -m /media/AiDisk_a1
Attached corrected cron script.
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 4:36
I updated the S10cron script and I removed to HDD from webi. I had the
following log:
Feb 7 09:56:17 NFS Server: nfsd daemon is stoped
Feb 7 09:56:17 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Feb 7 09:56:17 FTP Server: daemon is stoped
Feb 7 09:56:17 Media Server DLNA: daemon is stoped
Feb 7 09:56:17 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Feb 7 09:56:17 started [/dev/sda1 /media/AiDisk_a1]
Feb 7 09:56:17 transmission-daemon: Stopping transmission-daemon...
Feb 7 09:56:18 transmission-daemon[1060]: Closing session
Feb 7 09:56:19 Cron: was stopped succesfully
Feb 7 09:56:19 Deactivate swap file /opt/.swap SUCCESS!
I believe that everything worked perfectly now. I restarted my router and my
swap was there.. thank you very much.
Is there a way to make a full backup of my router? Everything that I want at
now is working perfectly (transmission, cron, cast get, automatic download of
tv shows, etc)...
Once again... thank you very much for your support
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 1:06
You are welkome! ) Try to stop applications in opt, then do:
# cd /
# tar -jcvf /media/AiDisk_a1/opt-backup.tar.bz2 opt
and copy it to local machine for example.
if you need to restore, do almost the same:
# cd /
# tar -jxvf /media/AiDisk_a1/opt-backup.tar.bz2
Original comment by
on 7 Feb 2012 at 1:56
Original comment by
on 9 Feb 2012 at 8:00
Original issue reported on by
on 2 Feb 2012 at 3:29