juanfranblanco / vscode-solidity

Visual Studio Code language support extension for Solidity smart contracts in Ethereum https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=JuanBlanco.solidity
MIT License
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Linting not working. Nothing is showing up when there are supposed to be errors. Errors don't show while coding, only if I compile would I get error messages. #274

Open adriandelgg opened 3 years ago

adriandelgg commented 3 years ago

Hello, I'm using the Solidity extension & before it used to work just fine and would show linting for errors, but now I never get them. It's clear that the errors are there because when I compile with Hardhat/Truffle it complains, but I'm not getting linting as I'm coding like how Remix IDE does.

I don't understand why it's not working anymore and it's really upsetting since I rely on the linting for work.

juanfranblanco commented 3 years ago

Hi @adriandelgg what are your settings?

adriandelgg commented 3 years ago

Hey @juanfranblanco, thanks for replying and making this awesome VS Code extension. I've attached the extension settings I have. It used to work where I would get linting while typing like how Remix does, but now I don't anymore and I have no idea why. 2021-08-02_10-55_1 2021-08-02_10-55

adriandelgg commented 3 years ago

Any ideas as to why it's not working?

Is there any way I can completely delete the extension and any past versions so that I can have a brand new fresh installation of it?

AbhiGene commented 3 years ago

bump on this thread, I am having the same error and it is causing me great trouble

juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

@adriandelgg @ClockworkRainbow apologies this thread went out of track, are you still having the issues?

adriandelgg commented 2 years ago

@adriandelgg @ClockworkRainbow apologies this thread went out of track, are you still having the issues?

It's okay. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to get the exact linting i get like i do with Remix IDE.

For example, I'm Remix, it detects on the IDE if I can turn a function into view, while on VSCode it only suggests that when I run the compiler.

Is this the right behaviour?

juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

@adriandelgg does it look like this? This is mainly driven by the compiler in the background. error_suggestions_visibility_compiler

juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

Oh I just have seen your settings, you have put in the local compiler path "latest", remove that value.. (this is why i needed glasses :) ) Edit: although it should not make any differences as your compiler is set to remote.

adriandelgg commented 2 years ago

@adriandelgg does it look like this? This is mainly driven by the compiler in the background. error_suggestions_visibility_compiler

No, mine doesn't do that.😭 Am I supposed to download something else aside from the Solidity extension for it to work like that?

juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

No you don't need to install anything else. What I am seeing is that you have enabled the error reporting as you type, you are using the latest version of solidity (which is downloaded, "remote"), you can compile as you have said and it shows the errors. So there might be an issue when starting the server. Can you try the latest version? This might solve your problem.

adriandelgg commented 2 years ago

I tried & it's still not working, and now I'm getting a new error. Source "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol" not found: File import callback not supported

I'm not sure why I keep having issues with the extension. 2021-09-28_19-36 As well as this error on another .sol file with pragma solidity >0.6.1 <0.7.0;.

Source file requires different compiler version (current compiler is 0.8.8+commit.dddeac2f.Emscripten.clang) - note that nightly builds are considered to be strictly less than the released version

I wasn't getting these errors until I changed what you said, but I've gotten them before.

adriandelgg commented 2 years ago

These are my settings.json in VS Code:

    "telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
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    "[json]": {
        "editor.quickSuggestions": {
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    "editor.minimap.renderCharacters": false,
    "editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": true,
    "editor.cursorWidth": 2,
    "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
        "textMateRules": [
                "scope": ["entity.name.function", "entity.name.method"],
                "settings": {
                    "fontStyle": "bold"
    "editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": true
    "editor.cursorBlinking": "expand",
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    "launch": {
        "configurations": [],
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    "typescript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always",
    "emmet.showSuggestionsAsSnippets": true,
    "emmet.includeLanguages": {
        "javascript": "javascriptreact",
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    "solidity.compileUsingRemoteVersion": "v0.8.7+commit.e28d00a7",
    "git.confirmSync": false,
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    "security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles": "open",
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        "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
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        "vscode-kubernetes.kubectl-path.linux": "/home/CodeOnBlocks/.vs-kubernetes/tools/kubectl/kubectl",
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    "workbench.colorTheme": "Electronic Moonlight"

As well as all the global NPM packages I have installed:

├── eslint@7.32.0
├── ganache-cli@6.12.2
├── hardhat-shorthand@1.0.0
├── mocha@9.1.1
├── nodemon@2.0.12
├── npm-check-updates@11.8.5
├── npm@7.24.0
├── truffle@5.4.9
├── typescript@4.4.3
└── yarn@1.22.11
adriandelgg commented 2 years ago

I FIGURED OUT WHY IT'S NOT WORKING. The "solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesDirectory": needs to be set to my project.

However, how can I make it so it auto detects it? In the screenshot, you can see that in my workspace I have multiple folders with different projects. I had to set the rule for this specific project as "solidity.packageDefaultDependenciesDirectory": "bp-nft-meetings/hardhat/node_modules" in my global settings.json file, but obviously this isn't ideal because I have multiple projects & don't want to be having to manually change it every time.


Is there a way to set the settings.json for each individual project or something?

juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

Ah yeah at the moment the settings in a workspace apply to all folders, (workspace settings), the only solution is to open each folder separate. This is the same for the new remappings. So mainly your bp-projects, you will need to open each folder separate, we are all discussing to have a project file, which will make things much easier (eventually)

adriandelgg commented 2 years ago

Ah yeah at the moment the settings in a workspace apply to all folders, (workspace settings), the only solution is to open each folder separately. This is the same for the new remappings. So mainly your bp-projects, you will need to open each folder separate, we are all discussing having a project file, which will make things much easier (eventually)

That'd be awesome. I've noticed that even though the path is set to another project, if I go into a new project it will actually still work, so that's good. But yes, it'd be great to have it detect it all on its own. I'm assuming it works because it finds the necessary info in the other project, but if I import for example @openzepplin I'm assuming it may be referencing the node_modules from the other project and not the current one I'm on.

juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

@adriandelgg yes that is the side effect, this workspaces folders is rather painful, as you will need folder settings per folder in workspace, but that is not possible.

juanfranblanco commented 2 years ago

@adriandelgg try to add a remappings.txt file in the root folder of each project. Here you can map specific files or folder. ie
