juangburgos / WtDesigner

GNU General Public License v3.0
67 stars 24 forks source link

Linux build instructions #3

Closed cls-nebadje closed 8 years ago

cls-nebadje commented 8 years ago

Hi Juan,

thanks a lot for this great application! I'm on 32bit Linux here (Ubuntu 14.04) and don't want to bother you with yet another binary flavour. Perhaps you can add some build instructions to the global read me - this way any interested party can build WtDesigner on its own.

Regards Uli

juangburgos commented 8 years ago

Hi Uli,

Indeed is hard to keep on with binaries and stuff but in general it should be simple. You just need to put attention on having the right versions of the dependencies.


After you have all that just go to the /src/main folder of the repo and execute:

$ qmake
$ make all

or alternativelly you can open the /src/main/wtdesigner.prowith QtCreator and build it there.

HERE is a link to a personal note of mine for compiling and building in linux, but do not guarantee that fowllowing these instructions step by step will lead to success, but it might save you some time.

Good luck and let me know how it goes.