juanrh / sscheck

ScalaCheck for Spark
Apache License 2.0
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NPE when using PDStream generators that create empty PDStreams #32

Closed juanrh closed 8 years ago

juanrh commented 8 years ago
package es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.spark.demo

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.streaming.Duration
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalacheck.Gen.const
import org.specs2.ScalaCheck
import org.specs2.Specification
import org.specs2.matcher.ResultMatchers
import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner

import es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.gen.BatchGen
import es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.prop.tl.DStreamProp
import es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.prop.tl.Formula
import es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.prop.tl.Formula.always
import es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.prop.tl.Formula.intToTimeout
import es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.prop.tl.Formula.resultFunToNow
import es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.spark.streaming.SharedStreamingContextBeforeAfterEach

class NPEAlwaysBug   
  extends Specification 
  with SharedStreamingContextBeforeAfterEach 
  with ResultMatchers
 // with Serializable
  with ScalaCheck {

  // Spark configuration
  override def sparkMaster : String = "local[*]"
  override def batchDuration = Duration(500) 
  override def defaultParallelism = 3
  //  this is needed to reproduce the bug
  override def enableCheckpointing = true

  def is = 
    sequential ^ s2"""
      - where $p1

   // - where ${p1 must beFailing}
  def genNPE = BatchGen.always(BatchGen.ofN(1, 0))
  def genOk = BatchGen.always(BatchGen.ofN(1, 0), 5)

  def p1 = {
    type U = (RDD[Int], RDD[Int])
    val hashtagBatch = (_ : U)._2
    val formula : Formula[U] = always { u : U =>
    } during 10

      genNPE)( // NullPointerException, see below
      //genOk)( // workd ok
  }.set(minTestsOk = 2).verbose

    at es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.prop.tl.DStreamProp$$anonfun$forAll$4.apply(DStreamProp.scala:178)
    at es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.prop.tl.DStreamProp$$anonfun$forAll$4.apply(DStreamProp.scala:131)
    at org.scalacheck.Prop$$anonfun$forAllNoShrink$1$$anonfun$2.apply(Prop.scala:516)
    at org.scalacheck.Prop$.secure(Prop.scala:458)
    at org.scalacheck.Prop$$anonfun$forAllNoShrink$1.apply(Prop.scala:516)
    at org.scalacheck.Prop$$anonfun$forAllNoShrink$1.apply(Prop.scala:511)
    at org.scalacheck.Prop$$anonfun$apply$5.apply(Prop.scala:293)
    at org.scalacheck.Prop$$anonfun$apply$5.apply(Prop.scala:292)
    at org.scalacheck.PropFromFun.apply(Prop.scala:21)
    at org.scalacheck.Test$.org$scalacheck$Test$$workerFun$1(Test.scala:321)
    at org.scalacheck.Test$$anonfun$2.apply(Test.scala:350)
    at org.scalacheck.Test$$anonfun$2.apply(Test.scala:350)
    at org.scalacheck.Platform$.runWorkers(Platform.scala:40)
    at org.scalacheck.Test$.check(Test.scala:350)
    at es.ucm.fdi.sscheck.spark.demo.NPEAlwaysBug.check(NPEAlwaysBug.scala:23)

The problem is that genNPE is defined as BatchGen.always(BatchGen.ofN(1, 0)) which
is not a sized generator. Hence ScalaCheck starts from  Gen.resize(0, genNPE) that 
generates PDStream(), and so the for (i <- 1 to testCaseDstream.length if (! propFailed)) 
in the body of Prop.forAllNoShrink inside DStreamProp.forAll doesn't make any iteration
because testCaseDstream is an empty prefix with no batches, and so there is no 
wait on to onBatchCompletedSyncVar.take(batchCompletionTimeout). As a consequence 
inputDStream1.foreachRDD { (input1Batch, time) => ...} above is never executed
and currFormula is never assigned formulaNext, so when 
val testCaseResult = currFormula.result.getOrElse(Prop.Undecided)
is executed we get a NPE because currFormula is null.

Possible fixes:
 - replace val testCaseResult = currFormula.result.getOrElse(Prop.Undecided) by a code
 that considers the case when testCaseResult is null
 - initialize currFormula to formulaNext instead of to a null. This looks like a
 good idea anyway
   * **/

juanrh commented 8 years ago

fixed in 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT when using the trait DStreamTLProperty and calling `forAllDStream