jubianchi / phpswitch

A CLI utility to help you build and test PHP versions
MIT License
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PHPSWITCH_PATH Does not work very well #12

Closed lyrixx closed 11 years ago

lyrixx commented 11 years ago
>root@greg-laptop[~] /opt/phpswitch 
bash: /opt/phpswitch: No such file or directory
>root@greg-laptop[~] PHPSWITCH_PATH=/opt/phpswitch php phpswitch-installer 
> phpswitch installer
>> Checking requirements...
>>> Actual PHP version is 5.4.16-1kc0~quantal0
>>> cURL extension is enabled
>>> PCNTL extension is enabled
>>> You don't have required permissions on /opt/phpswitch

As you can see, I do not have a /opt/phpswitch directory. But If I create one, the installer will install phpswitch in /opt/phpswitch/phpswitch

So I have to run: PHPSWITCH_PATH=/opt php phpswitch-installer which is a little bit awkward