jubianchi / phpswitch

A CLI utility to help you build and test PHP versions
MIT License
90 stars 8 forks source link

Installer does not check composer install status #13

Closed lyrixx closed 11 years ago

lyrixx commented 11 years ago

I have some issue with my sys deps. But the Installer does not warn me. More over, It said "OK":

>root@greg-laptop[~] PHPSWITCH_PATH=/opt/phpswitch php phpswitch-installer 
> phpswitch installer
>> Checking requirements...
>>> Actual PHP version is 5.4.16-1kc0~quantal0
>>> cURL extension is enabled
>>> PCNTL extension is enabled
>>> You don't have required permissions on /opt/phpswitch
>root@greg-laptop[~] PHPSWITCH_PATH=/opt php phpswitch-installer 
> phpswitch installer
>> Checking requirements...
>>> Actual PHP version is 5.4.16-1kc0~quantal0
>>> cURL extension is enabled
>>> PCNTL extension is enabled
>>> You have required permissions on /usr/local/bin, /opt
>> Installing from sources...
>>> Directory /opt/phpswitch does not exist.
>>> Cloning source repository...
>>> git clone git://github.com/jubianchi/phpswitch.git /opt/phpswitch
Cloning into '/opt/phpswitch'...
remote: Counting objects: 2706, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1141/1141), done.
remote: Total 2706 (delta 1355), reused 2559 (delta 1212)
Receiving objects: 100% (2706/2706), 861.40 KiB | 325 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1355/1355), done.
>>> Installed phpswitch master@f2160e8
>> Updating dependencies...
>>> File /usr/local/bin/phpswitch does not exist.
>>> ln -s /opt/phpswitch/bin/phpswitch /usr/local/bin/phpswitch
>> phpswitch sources path : /opt/phpswitch
>> phpswitch bin path : /opt/phpswitch/bin/phpswitch -> /usr/local/bin/phpswitch
>> phpswitch was successfully installed. Enjoy!


>root@greg-laptop[/opt/phpswitch](master %) composer install --prefer-source
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - Installation request for d11wtq/boris dev-master -> satisfiable by d11wtq/boris[dev-master].
    - d11wtq/boris dev-master requires ext-readline * -> the requested PHP extension readline is missing from your system.

BTW boris is a bit boring in this case :(