jucarrier / SOEN390

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C-6.1: As a user, I want to find the nearest indoor point of interest. #22

Open jucarrier opened 4 years ago

jucarrier commented 4 years ago

Indoor points of interest include bathrooms, drinking fountains, restaurants such as the ones in the metro, student run operations such as the hive, Concordia shops such as the book store, and any other location that we think of that students would want to know the location of.

Success criteria: The user can select a type of point of interest and the app will navigate the user to the nearest POI of that type. At this point, everything in the POI button is implemented. https://www.figma.com/proto/qx3FumbV7NAOJBzG4dAS97/Con-U-Map?node-id=7%3A5&scaling=scale-down

mkshiblu commented 4 years ago

How can I go into the indoor view? The figma link requires login. Can you please put clear instructions or snapshots to test each acceptance test?
