juchong / racecar_ws

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adi_tof_kinetic publisher library issues #11

Open nmullane opened 5 years ago

nmullane commented 5 years ago

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBARY_PATH:/home/analog/racecar_ws/racecar_ws/src/adi_tof_kinetic/dependencies/PicoZenseSDK_aarch64_linux/Thirdparty/opencv-3.4.1/lib

This command needs to be run so that the opencv libraries can be found on the jetson nano, but not on the tx1

nmullane commented 5 years ago

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/analog/racecar_ws/racecar_ws/src/adi_tof_kinetic/dependencies/PicoZenseSDK_aarch64_linux/Thirdparty/opencv-3.4.1/lib:/home/analog/racecar_ws/racecar_ws/src/adi_tof_kinetic/dependencies/PicoZenseSDK_aarch64_linux/Lib

With the current cmake list the pico zense libraries also need to be added to ld library path