judero01col / GMap.NET

GMap.NET Windows Forms & Presentation is an excellent open source, powerful, free and cross-platform .NET control. Allows the use of routing, geocoding, directions and maps from Google, Yahoo!, Bing, OpenStreetMap, ArcGIS, Pergo, SigPac, Yendux, Mapy.cz, Maps.lt, iKarte.lv, NearMap, HereMap, CloudMade, WikiMapia, MapQuest and many more.
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google geocoding not work in gmap.net #169

Open Hanaashabaan opened 1 year ago

Hanaashabaan commented 1 year ago

when i use OpenStreetMap as GMapProviders it work but when i use google it doesn't work !!!!!

GeoCoderStatusCode status; GeocodingProvider geocoding = GMapProviders.GoogleMap; PointLatLng? pt = geocoding.GetPoint(textBoxAddress.Text, out status);


TheBarret commented 1 year ago

I think Google's GMapProvider requires you an API key for these calls, OpenStreet as the name suggest, is accessible by everyone.