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Request to show compile-time messages too [Nim] #27

Closed kaushalmodi closed 4 years ago

kaushalmodi commented 5 years ago

Can you also have a window to show the compile time messages too? They are very important when designing macros in Nim.

E.g. I'd like to see what's printed on stdout when just compiling https://nim.ide.judge0.com/?AJNXlTnyLuUARvFY5PvGg_WwCZXt.

Right now, which I hit Run, I see nothing in the output. In that example, I need to look at the messages during compile time as shown below.


Ref: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11599#issuecomment-506312649

hermanzdosilovic commented 5 years ago

Solved and deployed! Enjoy @kaushalmodi :smiley:

kaushalmodi commented 5 years ago

Hello, thanks for looking into this.. though, looks like it shows the compilation log only if the run log is empty.

So this case does not work: https://nim.ide.judge0.com/?AMvoP6Fdr0OkFmVQ_ftlrU4YjZU6 (here, I am missing out to see the debug echos for how macros work).

The compilation log is useful to review even when the run log is non-empty.. to see how the macro unrolling happens at compile time.

hermanzdosilovic commented 5 years ago

Oh, okay I now understand your request better. Do you think that multiple tabs (one for each kind of output) could solve this?

kaushalmodi commented 5 years ago

Do you think that multiple tabs (one for each kind of output) could solve this?

I believe so. I don't have any experience designing UI's, but the user should have an option to look at the compile log and run log separately, I believe.

Probably something like this can be done:

On top of that, may be have a toggle to switch between compile log and run log.

Above is assuming that you don't show both compile and run logs simultaneously side by side.

hermanzdosilovic commented 4 years ago

I am working on a new Judge0 IDE that will use Golden Layout and Monaco editor. This feature will be added there. I hope it will be released by the end of the month.

hermanzdosilovic commented 4 years ago

Hey @kaushalmodi,

this feature is now available with Judge0 IDE v2.0.0. Check it out.

kaushalmodi commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Now I can see the compile outputs separately. Nice!