judge0 / ide

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changing language by url automatically #36

Closed soobinjeon closed 4 years ago

soobinjeon commented 4 years ago

I would like to change language of IDE by url source. for example, if I type "http://ide.judge0.com/?language=java", language should be changed to 'java' automatically. Is there any way to do it?


hermanzdosilovic commented 4 years ago

Currently not, but you can save a snippet with the code and language you want and then always open that snippet. For example: https://ide.judge0.com/?mcVl

hermanzdosilovic commented 4 years ago

Can you explain why would this feature be useful to you? Are you opening Judge0 IDE from some other website?

soobinjeon commented 4 years ago

Yes, we already set Judge0 IDE on our server and we would like to open it other our website for educating. Thank you for your advise, I can open it by snippet. Thank you.