judos / beltSorter

A factorio mod which provides a sorting chest that can distribute items really fast
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Custom priority of output for Advanced Belt Sorters #17

Closed gmyx closed 7 years ago

gmyx commented 7 years ago

I've added a feature that I've wanted (and seen a couple of others ask for). With this feature you can control which output gets the items first. Priority is on a scale of 1 to 8. This way you are not stuck filling north first, then east, etc. By default (and when loading), the current method is applied.

It will output based on priority. If 2 priorities are equal, old method applies. e.g. if 2 priorities 2, north wins, then east then south, then west. It is fully backwards compatible and forwards compatible if disabled.

I don't know if the process is as efficient as it could be - the building of output lanes couple probably be done less often.

Let me know.

gmyx commented 7 years ago

Sorry about the GIT spam - cleaned up my mess.

judos commented 7 years ago

I release a new version of beltSorter which includes the priority for output+input. I couldn't merge this PR due to incompatibility with the library changes. (used for other mods as well). Hope this addresses your issue.