judovana / java-runtime-decompiler

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Session agent #218

Closed judovana closed 2 years ago

judovana commented 2 years ago

ok, now this is fun :DDDDDDDDD

Right now, this branch have implemented PERNAMENT agent. And what is best, yo can connect to it from any jrd, by our hated remote vm :DDD to implement session agent, all agents must be disconencted on JRD exit.

The only remaining peace, is install-only agent oepartion.

also session-only agent for cli may be implemented by keep cli command waiting for sig-int/kill

judovana commented 2 years ago


judovana commented 2 years ago

I had started to incline to idea, that single-connect agent is uttermost nonsense. In cli, it can be palceholder for session+immediate disconnect, but in gui? not even palceholder...

judovana commented 2 years ago

note, that if cli defaults are changed to PERNAMENT

--- a/runtime-decompiler/src/main/java/org/jrd/backend/data/cli/AgentConfig.java
+++ b/runtime-decompiler/src/main/java/org/jrd/backend/data/cli/AgentConfig.java
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ public final class AgentConfig {
         if (liveliness == null) {
             if (session) {
-                liveliness = AgentLiveliness.SESSION;
+                liveliness = AgentLiveliness.PERMANENT;
             } else {
-                liveliness = AgentLiveliness.ONE_SHOT;
+                liveliness = AgentLiveliness.PERMANENT;
         if (loneliness == null) {

Then all tests (except two with bad asserts) passes

judovana commented 2 years ago
