jrd should be able to print out all depndencies of any byte[] (class), through cplc api\
When the chnage into code is bigger, then it is usefull to extract all deps, and then modifu the class localy, and compel against them , and at the end just upload.
ja to tam asi rozpisem
== direct imports
teda popravde vsetky typy, ktore su v bytecode referencovane
a potom "BytecodeExtractor.extractFullClassGroup"
see https://github.com/mkoncek/classpathless-compiler/issues/15
jrd should be able to print out all depndencies of any byte[] (class), through cplc api\ When the chnage into code is bigger, then it is usefull to extract all deps, and then modifu the class localy, and compel against them , and at the end just upload. eg: