jueyang / call-me-maybe

Use the issue queue. Dark secrets welcome. (CUNY-J teaching 2015)
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You said something about fast maps... tell me more #3

Closed jueyang closed 9 years ago

jueyang commented 9 years ago


RaiCUNY commented 9 years ago

Hi Jue,

Can you tell me how to make a map, tracing the boutiques coming up in the gentrified neighborhood of Bushwick, Brooklyn. I would like to use a map to trace the difference in the price of a pair of jeans as we move through the neighborhoods and actually show how the price goes up when we go to a gentrified neighborhood because of the kind of people who have moved in.

jueyang commented 9 years ago

Thanks for reaching out! Great chatting with you as it helps me to understand your deadlines and skills right now. I pointed you to http://geojson.io for simple + fast data collection. Have fun adding data points and save them as a gist.

Glad to hear you are taking the html/css/js class :) You'll be closer to "what map? piece of :cake:! " at the end of this class.