jugglinmike / presentations

Presentations I've given
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Presentations on non-touch displays #1

Closed normanjaeckel closed 9 years ago

normanjaeckel commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to change the JS that one can have a look at the presentations on non-touch displays (maybe using click or key events)?

jugglinmike commented 9 years ago

This repo contains presentations written with a few different JavaScript frameworks for slideshows (three I think). I didn't author any of them to be touch-only, though: can you be more specific with the problem you are having?

jugglinmike commented 9 years ago

@normanjaeckel It's been a few weeks, but I haven't heard back from you. Without more information, I won't be able to help. Please re-open this issue with more information if you're still having trouble

normanjaeckel commented 9 years ago

Sorry. I forgot this ... I checked out the repo and just opened 2014/write-right-tests/index.html in Firefox 35.0.1 from the filesystem. There it is not possbile to switch between slides. I just can scroll the whole presentation but don't know where a slide ends and a new one begins. The function isTouchDevice() in slides.js line 202 returns false so I thought the presentation is not made for non touch devices. I can not reopen this issue because I don't have the required GitHub permission.

jugglinmike commented 9 years ago

Ah, now I understand. You can view the content, you just can't step through the slides.

This a feature of the Slide framework--clients with JavaScript disabled are still able to view all the content. If you'd like to view the presentation as a slide show, hit the "escape" key.

normanjaeckel commented 9 years ago

Ah "Escape" works. Thanks.