juglab / n2v

This is the implementation of Noise2Void training.
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"weights_best.h5" is not working #153

Open farukalamai opened 3 months ago

farukalamai commented 3 months ago

After downloading the weight file, when I am loading this model. It's not working. If I want to use this model later to work perfectly how can I do that?

farukalamai commented 3 months ago


jdeschamps commented 3 months ago


Could you give more information?


farukalamai commented 2 months ago

@jdeschamps I have used 24 tif images to train a "n2v_2D" model. After training when I downloaded the "weights_best.h5", it doesn't work. When I load the model it's give me error.

when I try to save_tiff_imagej_compatible('pred_train.tif', pred_train, axes='YX'), use this it's save a blank image with white background. I have tried opencv, pillow but nothing is working.

My goal is to save the weight file and use it for denoise similar images like this.

kindly check my notebook: n2v_SEM.zip

uyv8cs commented 2 months ago

@jdeschamps any update dear?