Closed zolfone closed 3 years ago
You don't need to use shell command there. Specify your NDK path as it is:
NDK_PATH := /path/to/your/ndk/directory
and make sure that the path of the directory that you have given has these kind of files: ndk-which* prebuilt/
meta/ NOTICE python-packages/ sources/
ndk-build* NOTICE.toolchain sysroot/
ndk-gdb* package.xml shader-tools/ toolchains/
Thanks now it works, I knew it was something really stupid from my side.
Hi @juha-h, I'm trying to compile the libraries but no matter what NDK version I download/specify in the Make file, it always throws the same error:
$ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/home/user/android-ndk-r21d/ is invalid at (eval 10) line 37.
In the Makefile section I put this line as per the example inside:
NDK_PATH := $(shell ls -d -1 /home/user/android-ndk-r21d/* | tail -1)
I tried with NDK version 21 and 20 from, also tried with Android Studio Bundled version 22, same error every time. Please advice on how to solve this, I'm doing something obviously wrong.
EDIT: I'm running a freshly installed Ubuntu 20.10