Open SamuelMarks opened 1 day ago
This is actually same issue as with any other type that does not implement ToSchema
by default. See more details here:
There would be a need to add support for the SystemTime
to utoipa-gen
the way the support has been added to chono and other similar types.
@juhaku Hmm, so something like:
#[schema(as = SystemTime, value_type = SystemTime)]
struct MySystemTime(SystemTime);
Or more something like:
impl PrimitiveType {
pub fn new(path: &Path) -> Option<PrimitiveType> {
let last_segment = path.segments.last().unwrap_or_else(|| {
"Path for DefaultType must have at least one segment: `{path}`",
path = path.to_token_stream()
let name = &*last_segment.ident.to_string();
let ty: syn::Type = match name {
"String" | "str" | "char" => syn::parse_quote!(#path),
"bool" => syn::parse_quote!(#path),
"i8" | "i16" | "i32" | "i64" | "i128" | "isize" | "u8" | "u16" | "u32" | "u64"
| "u128" | "usize" => syn::parse_quote!(#path),
"f32" | "f64" => syn::parse_quote!(#path),
"SystemTime" => syn::parse_quote!(#SystemTime),
Or even combine the two:
"SystemTime" => syn::parse_quote!(#MySystemTime),
FWIW: In the interim; for this project; I've switched to chrono from diesel up to utoipa.
How the SytemTime
renders when it is serialized to JSON? Is it a number in seconds or is it a string? Depending on the type you can locally alias it with value_type
#[schema(as = SystemTime, value_type = String)] // This will treat it as a String,
struct MySystemTime(SystemTime);
But in order to make utoipa
support the SystemTime
internally, the schema type conversion should be implemented here:
I've tried enabling crate features of
; to no avail.How do I get this to work?