juhaku / utoipa

Simple, Fast, Code first and Compile time generated OpenAPI documentation for Rust
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Is there any way to configure utoipa behind reverse proxy? #842

Open qrilka opened 8 months ago

qrilka commented 8 months ago

OpenAPI supports servers but reverse proxy could be configured independently for a particular service sitting behind that proxy. utoipa has support for servers but it looks like the trait Modify is static. Is there some way to use X-Forwarded headers like for example it's done in https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore/pull/1801 ?

plang-arista commented 6 months ago

Hi, I've also run into the same issue, but found a workaround.

My setup: Axum server running behind Reverse Proxy, with URL rewrite: "/api" -> "/"

struct PathPrefixAddon;

impl Modify for PathPrefixAddon {
    fn modify(&self, openapi: &mut utoipa::openapi::OpenApi) {
        match env::var("PATH_PREFIX") {
            Ok(prefix) => openapi.servers = Some(vec![Server::new(prefix)]),
            Err(_) => ()

async fn main() {
    struct ApiDoc;

    let app = Router::new()
        .merge(SwaggerUi::new("/docs").config(Config::new(["openapi.json"])).url("/docs/openapi.json", ApiDoc::openapi()));

The PathPrefixAddon tricks utoipa to use "/{prefix}" to access the server, which essentially adds a prefix to every endpoint.

The .config(Config::new(["openapi.json"])) is also important so that the Swagger UI would look for the openapi.json with a path relative to the /docs.

Note that there are other pitfalls to this setup:

lpfy commented 5 months ago

tricks utoipa to use "/{prefix}" to access the server, which essentially adds a prefix to every endpoint.

Hi @plang-arista, thanks for your workaround. I can confirm it also works for the Swagger UI part when loading openapi.json on Actix-web, the next problem I am facing is the "Try it out" part still using the wrong endpoint.

for example, my server is http://www.abcd.com/, set Apache reverse proxy to http://www.abcd.com/rusttest/ for Rust Actix-web The swagger UI URL becomes http://www.abcd.com/rusttest/swagger/ The actual API endpoint is http://www.abcd.com/rusttest/api/xxxxABC The "Try it out" in utoipa swagger UI send request to http://www.abcd.com/api/xxxxABC, the prefix "/rusttest" is missing.

Could you please help to see what's wrong in my code? thanks heaps

use dotenv::dotenv;
use actix_cors::Cors;
use actix_web::{App, HttpServer, web::Data};
use std::{error::Error, env};
use utoipa::{OpenApi, Modify, openapi::server::Server};
use utoipa_swagger_ui::{SwaggerUi, Config};

struct PathPrefixAddon;

impl Modify for PathPrefixAddon {
    fn modify(&self, openapi: &mut utoipa::openapi::OpenApi) {
        match env::var("PATH_PREFIX") {
            Ok(prefix) => openapi.servers = Some(vec![Server::new(prefix)]),
            Err(_) => ()

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    //Because Apache reverse proxy configuration, 
    //environment variable need to be set in .env file for PATH_PREFIX

    //Auto-generate API documentation using utoipa and utoipa-swagger-ui 
    struct ApiDoc;

    let openapi = ApiDoc::openapi();

    HttpServer::new(move || {
            .wrap(Cors::permissive()) // Add this line to enable CORS for all origins
                //Because Apache reverse proxy configuration, we have to use PathPrefixAddon
                //It tricks utoipa to use "/{prefix}" to access the server, which essentially adds a prefix to every endpoint.
                SwaggerUi::new("/swagger/{_:.*}").config(Config::new(["openapi.json"])).url("/swagger/openapi.json", openapi.clone()),
            .configure(init_routes)   // Route being handled by routes.rs
    .bind((CONFIG_PARAMETERS.webserver_host.to_string(), CONFIG_PARAMETERS.webserver_port,))?
plang-arista commented 5 months ago

tricks utoipa to use "/{prefix}" to access the server, which essentially adds a prefix to every endpoint.

Hi @plang-arista, thanks for your workaround. I can confirm it also works for the Swagger UI part when loading openapi.json on Actix-web, the next problem I am facing is the "Try it out" part still using the wrong endpoint.

Hi, this is weird, this should work. Can you add logging that you have set your PATH_PREFIX env var to /rusttest/ as well? You can also just hard-code that value for your test, to be on the safe side.

In the swagger page you should see a new Drop-Down select, labelled "Servers" with single value /rusttest/. This is how swagger-ui would know that your /api/xxxxABC api calls would need to be made against /rusttest/ server on the same host, essentially becoming http://www.abcd.com/rusttest/api/xxxxABC.

If that variable is also properly set up, I'm not sure how to go on.

lpfy commented 5 months ago

tricks utoipa to use "/{prefix}" to access the server, which essentially adds a prefix to every endpoint.

Hi @plang-arista, thanks for your workaround. I can confirm it also works for the Swagger UI part when loading openapi.json on Actix-web, the next problem I am facing is the "Try it out" part still using the wrong endpoint.

Hi, this is weird, this should work. Can you add logging that you have set your PATH_PREFIX env var to /rusttest/ as well? You can also just hard-code that value for your test, to be on the safe side.

In the swagger page you should see a new Drop-Down select, labelled "Servers" with single value /rusttest/. This is how swagger-ui would know that your /api/xxxxABC api calls would need to be made against /rusttest/ server on the same host, essentially becoming http://www.abcd.com/rusttest/api/xxxxABC.

If that variable is also properly set up, I'm not sure how to go on.

Thanks for the reply. For the current swagger page, it didn't show Drop-Down select, labelled "Servers" with single value /rusttest/. So might be env var problem. As the server is an internal server behind the firewall, so I could not test it over the weekend at home. Will look into this next Monday.

lpfy commented 5 months ago

tricks utoipa to use "/{prefix}" to access the server, which essentially adds a prefix to every endpoint.

Hi @plang-arista, thanks for your workaround. I can confirm it also works for the Swagger UI part when loading openapi.json on Actix-web, the next problem I am facing is the "Try it out" part still using the wrong endpoint.

Hi, this is weird, this should work. Can you add logging that you have set your PATH_PREFIX env var to /rusttest/ as well? You can also just hard-code that value for your test, to be on the safe side.

In the swagger page you should see a new Drop-Down select, labelled "Servers" with single value /rusttest/. This is how swagger-ui would know that your /api/xxxxABC api calls would need to be made against /rusttest/ server on the same host, essentially becoming http://www.abcd.com/rusttest/api/xxxxABC.

If that variable is also properly set up, I'm not sure how to go on.

Hi @plang-arista, after I correctly set PATH_PREFIXenv var to /rusttest/, Swagger UI is working properly now. thanks for your help.

qrilka commented 4 months ago

The workaround given will not fix the problem with trailing slash redirect from https://github.com/juhaku/utoipa/blob/4d798bc3e79a0991460c14b657b03bd17d08d7df/utoipa-swagger-ui/src/axum.rs#L52

thus if the API is available under prefix /service as /api it will work as /service/api/ but /service/api will give a bad redirect to /api

plang-arista commented 4 months ago

The workaround given will not fix the problem with trailing slash redirect from


thus if the API is available under prefix /service as /api it will work as /service/api/ but /service/api will give a bad redirect to /api

Yeah, I've covered that in:

Axum / Utoipa might respond 303 for requests to /docs to redirect it to Location /docs/. In your reverse-proxy you also need to setup redirect translation. E.g.: in Nginx I had to add proxy_redirect / /api/; to prepend the proper prefix.

This is what I have in my nginx reverse proxy to handle that:

server {
  location /api {
    rewrite /api/(.*) /$1 break;
    proxy_pass        http://backend-proxied:5000;
    proxy_redirect    / /api/;
    proxy_buffering   off;
    proxy_set_header  Host $host;