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Default tag does not get overriden. #955

Open EinarasGar opened 3 weeks ago

EinarasGar commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, Im trying out version 5.0.0-alpha.0 and have noticed new behavior with tags. As mentioned in #916

This means that the default tag (the handler function name by default) will be added if not overridden with the tag attribute.

However, I do not experience this behavior. Using this configuration



/// Get Account
/// Gets a specific account of the user with metadata.
    path = "/api/users/:user_id/accounts/:account_id",
    tag = "Accounts",

pub async fn get_account(

My openapi spec generates like this

"/api/users/:user_id/accounts/:account_id": {
      "get": {
        "tags": [
        "summary": "Get Account",
        "description": "Gets a specific account of the user with metadata.",
        "operationId": "get_account",

This results in my redoc view having double of everything.

Reproducable example can be found here https://github.com/EinarasGar/myra/blob/crate-update/server/api/src/openapi.rs https://github.com/EinarasGar/myra/blob/crate-update/server/api/src/handlers/accounts_handler.rs

NickUfer commented 3 weeks ago

Got the same problem. You have to add an import statement for what you are using as a path or an api. In your case this should fix it, if super:: works the same as crate:: :

use super::handlers::accounts_handler::get_account;

eiswind commented 1 week ago

I see the same issue here. But my handler and the #[derive(OpenApi)] are in the same module, so I do not need to import. In the generated spec I see my custom tag, as well as the module name.

    tags((name = "Authentication", description = "Authentication operations")),