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Witch css framework we should use? #4

Open juhov opened 10 years ago

juhov commented 10 years ago

Should we use De facto framework like http://getbootstrap.com/ or http://foundation.zurb.com/ or something more simple like http://purecss.io/ ?

juhov commented 10 years ago

Voting begins NOW. @juhaniemi @sampoturve @demoshane @oetseli

juhov commented 10 years ago

It could be fun to try to do stuff "old school" way. So implementing features one by one that we can learn (remind ourselves) what is happening behind the scenes in those frameworks.

juhaniemi commented 10 years ago

This will be partially an opinion based discussion, but setting some facts straight might help us with the right decision: We will have very limited time to work on this funny-unonfficial-workmates site, so I would recommend always using something very simple and that has lots of features out of the box. So my primary opinion would be Bootstrap or Foundation. There are themes available and also lots of working example code to do very cool things easily.

demoshane commented 10 years ago

Hmm. Have looked a little bit to Zurb and it looks pretty interesting. But not really leaning towards any specially.