juhasch / pyBusPirateLite

Python library for BusPirate
58 stars 33 forks source link

Please make this library available via pypi.org and pip #33

Open zapta opened 6 months ago

zapta commented 6 months ago

https://pypi.org/ is the de facto standard for distributing Python package and having this library available on pypi, which make it also supported by PIP, will make it more accessible and easier to include in project.

Adding a project to pypi is easy and free, and doesn't require too much hassle, and I can help if needed.

julianvilas commented 1 month ago

Hi @juhasch, sorry for raising this issue again as I totally understand that people might not have the time or wish to continue maintaining a project that started years ago. So first of all lot of thanks for the altruism creating and sharing such an useful project with the open source community.

These days I'm extending a bit some of the functionalities you provide with more high-level functions implementing the details for some specific peripherals (https://github.com/julianvilas/hackPyrateBus), and as @zapta mentioned it would be very helpful having the pyBusPirateLite package in PyPI. Without it, it limits the possibility of uploading my project to PyPI as well as I'm using it as a dependency.

I'd totally understand if you don't want to continue supporting the project, but then I'd ask you if you would mind if I do it either by vendoring or forking. That way people can continue getting benefit of your amazing work but also from the new additions I'm writing. What do you think?

Thanks again and best regards.

julianvilas commented 3 weeks ago

I just went for the vendoring option. You can use pyBusPirateLite from PyPI like:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install hackPyrateBus
from vendor.pyBusPirateLite.I2C import I2C

More info at https://github.com/julianvilas/hackPyrateBus.