juhinagpure / Eduford-university

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Navbar of course page is not designed properly #321

Open JagjeetChauhan opened 3 weeks ago

JagjeetChauhan commented 3 weeks ago

image As we can see the extra spacing on the top which is in my opinion is unwanted.

Kindly assign this task to me under GSSOC'24

K-Svayam05 commented 3 weeks ago

image image image

The nav bar in all the three pages namely course.html, blog.html and about.html is not properly designed and floats in the middle of the screen obstructing the main content. Please assign me this issue I am a GSSoC'24 Contributor, proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and having good knowledge of React.js and Web Design as well.

143divya commented 1 day ago

Can you please assign this issue to me under Gssoc24? I want to work on this