juho-jaakkola / elgg-live_notifier

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Move all communication related features to a separate plugin #3

Open juho-jaakkola opened 8 years ago

juho-jaakkola commented 8 years ago

live_notifier should just work as a consumer for a separate communications plugin, not implement its own communication feature.

In case of notifier the end product would consist of three plugins:

propertunist commented 8 years ago

ok, so i haven't looked at the code for this plugin at all yet. looking at the overview, i am wondering how close the existing code is to your target.. am i right in thinking that the live notifier code needs to be simplified and refined, to allow notifier to take over some of it's current tasks.. plus notifier needs to be updated to communicate with live notifier?

juho-jaakkola commented 8 years ago

I think relatively close. The steps:

  1. Move the generic stuff to a separate communications plugin
  2. Add both server and client side hooks for plugins to register to
  3. Register hook handlers for those hooks in live_notifier

I think I will leave notifier intact. live_notifier will just update it's content like it is doing already.

roybirger commented 8 years ago

Hi, I started looking into this plugin when I needed to enable notifications on my site which has a standalone angularjs client and uses elgg for some of the server tasks,

This plugin is based on elgg notifier and this is the client. They are both currently pretty basic but I plan to continue working on them.

Let me know if I can help, or if you want to use my code.

juho-jaakkola commented 8 years ago

Ok, I have started a separate push server plugin: https://github.com/juho-jaakkola/elgg-pusher

juho-jaakkola commented 8 years ago

@roybirger Do you think it would be possible for your plugin to also use the pusher plugin for the communications between server and client?

BTW, If you copy someone else's code, remember to include the original copyright and license information to each file that you have copied! ;)

juho-jaakkola commented 8 years ago

The pusher plugin now works with the pusher branch of live_notifier, so I'm closing the issue.

roybirger commented 8 years ago

Do you think you can support client messages as well? maybe route them out to a seperate plugin? And of course you are right regarding copy rights... :flushed: It'll be fixed ASAP!

juho-jaakkola commented 8 years ago

I'm planning on using the plugin also for a chat feature. Therefore client originated messages would be very useful (if that is what you meant). Please open a new issue for it under the pusher plugin and write down what kind of needs you'd have for the feature.