juicedata / juicefs

JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
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vdbench I/O error with release-1.1 #4964

Closed zhoucheng361 closed 4 days ago

zhoucheng361 commented 1 week ago


04:24:20.836 localhost-0: 04:24:20.836 op: read   lun: /tmp/jfs/vdb.1_2.dir/vdb_f0003.file lba:     14290944 0x00DA1000 xfer:     4096 errno: EIO: 'I/O error' 
04:24:21.338 'data_errors=1' requested. Abort rd=rd1 after last error.
java.lang.RuntimeException: 'data_errors=1' requested. Abort rd=rd1 after last error.
    at Vdb.common.failure(common.java:350)
    at Vdb.common.failure(common.java:297)
    at Vdb.ErrorLog.countErrorsOnMaster(ErrorLog.java:224)
    at Vdb.SlaveOnMaster.processSlave(SlaveOnMaster.java:207)
    at Vdb.SlaveOnMaster.run(SlaveOnMaster.java:42)
SandyXSD commented 4 days ago

Should be fixed by #4573 in v1.2.0.

It's not picked to v1.1.3 since it only happens under heavy random writes, and can be fixed by juicefs gc --compact or the new juicefs compact command.