juicedata / juicefs

JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
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Disable BadgerDB metrics logs #4971

Open solracsf opened 4 days ago

solracsf commented 4 days ago

What would you like to be added: https://github.com/dgraph-io/badger/blob/a09e9837cd271284f43fba45b94c2847a4a58901/options.go#L148 Set to false

Why is this needed: Avoid "spam" useless log lines like:

badger[932266] : Block cache metrics: hit: 6030802 miss: 2430889 keys-added: 414076 keys-updated: 113041 keys-evicted: 353296 cost-added: 1809361703 cost-evicted: 1540927492 sets-dropped: 0 sets-rejected: 1883285 gets-dropped: 21888 gets-kept: 8439168 gets-total: 8461691 hit-ratio: 0.71 [logger.go:46]