juicedio / Bug-reports

Bug reports for https://app.juiced.io
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Manage Tab (Analytics Orders Total Arrows) #527

Open JuicedBen opened 1 year ago

JuicedBen commented 1 year ago

The total count with the arrow for Orders on the Manage Tab, in the Analytics Chart is acting incorrectly. It is basing the change value from day to day. Not each individual day being accounted for and starting at 0.

You shouldn't have your order totals going down, it should be how many orders (from that current day) are now added to your order total. It shouldn't ever be in the negatives, currently its basing the value on day to day totals, so one day had 2 orders and the next day had one, it showed a downward arrow with a -1, it should be an upward arrow with a +1. https://canny.io/images/6c9f4ac0dbedb5f7f944848cb34b0ebf.png

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Issue created by Andrew Cavaliere at 2023-06-16T22:19:49.945Z.

Once you begin working on this bug, please go the post and update the status to; "in progress". This bug report currently has 1 votes and 0 comments. Please fix this within 5 hours, with 24 hours being the latest wait.