juijs / jui-chart

SVG-based JUI chart that can be used in the browser and Node.js. Support many types of charts. (Dashboard, Map, Topology, Full 3D, Realtime)
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To develop a 'Word Cloud' brush #61

Open seogi1004 opened 8 years ago

seogi1004 commented 8 years ago


egaoneko commented 8 years ago

https://www.jasondavies.com/wordcloud/, https://github.com/jasondavies/d3-cloud http://timdream.org/wordcloud2.js/#love, https://github.com/timdream/wordcloud2.js http://jsfiddle.net/adiioo7/rutpj/light/ http://www.goat1000.com/tagcanvas.php http://bl.ocks.org/ericcoopey/6382449