juj / fbcp-ili9341

A blazing fast display driver for SPI-based LCD displays for Raspberry Pi A, B, 2, 3, 4 and Zero
MIT License
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integrating ili9342 #12

Closed 32teeth closed 6 years ago

32teeth commented 6 years ago

Have you had a chance to do an ili9342 integration? looking to do 8-bit (DB0:7)

juj commented 6 years ago

ILI9342 spec sheet seems to suggest the difference is that it is a landscape 320x240 display rather than ILI9341 which is portrait 240x320. Quick glance of the table of contents suggests they are otherwise the same. It might work by swapping the width and height fields around. I don't unfortunately have any ILI9342 displays to try though.

fbcp-ili9341 only does 4-wire SPI, which is a single serial data wire solution. 8-bit methods with multiple data lines DB0 through DB7 are DPI methods, and fbcp-ili9341 does not relate to those. Instead the Raspberry Pi GPU is directly configured to drive them, see e.g. The Ben Heck Show has a multipart series on DPI based display wiring starting from Rasp Pi No HDMI - Portable MAME Part 1.

juj commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/GameboyZero/ILI9342 reads like you were able to get ILI9342 working, so this issue can be now closed?