[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Warning resources/public/js/compiled/editscript/diff/a_star.cljc line:242 column:24
Use of undeclared Var goog.math.Long/getMaxValue
237 ((juxt get-came get-open get-g) state))
239 (defn- access-g
240 [g cur]
241 (get g cur #?(:clj Long/MAX_VALUE
242 :cljs (goog.math.Long/getMaxValue))))
244 (defn ^:declared diff* [ra rb came])
246 (defn- compute-cost
247 [^Coord cur came g op]
if you're using the latest releases goog.math.Long/... isn't a valid pattern anymore because that namespace became a goog.module. basically you can longer assume it exists (because some other namespace might have loaded it), you must require it and use an alias