juju / juju-gui

Juju-GUI is a web-based GUI for Juju <https://jujucharms.com/>.
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Cannot add any relations #3911

Open mdavis-xyz opened 5 years ago

mdavis-xyz commented 5 years ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. In the GUI, click on the circle for the application you want to add a relation to
  2. Click on "relations", "Add relation"

Alternatively, click on the new relation button in the graph itself, and drag the end of that line over another circle,

Expected Behavior

The list of all possible relations should appear.

When dragging the end of that line for a new relation, applications which can have a relation with that application should be selectable.

I am able to create a relationship between this particular application and another using the command line. So a valid relationship possibility definitely exists.

Actual behavior

No active relations for this application.

When dragging the end of that line for a new relation, all circles are greyed out. Releasing the mouse button over another circle does not result in a relationship creation.

hatched commented 5 years ago

Thanks for filing this issue @mlda065!

I am not able to reproduce this so I suspect that this may be an issue in how the GUI is processing valid relationships. Are the two charms in question public? Or can you maybe provide two sample charms with the same relation metadata?

mdavis-xyz commented 5 years ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Get the charms I used with git clone https://github.com/Juniper/contrail-charms -b R5
  2. cd contrail-charms
  3. deploy the bundle (shown below) with juju deploy bundle.yaml
  4. Wait a while. Not all units will deploy.
  5. In the GUI, look at the relationship between the two red units contrail-analytics:contrail-analyticsdb - contrail-analyticsdb:contrail-analyticsdb
  6. Remove that relationship (and commit)
  7. Try to add that relationship back in the GUI
    • by clicking and dragging a ling
    • by clicking through the menu
  8. Add the relationship on the command line with juju add-relation contrail-analytics contrail-analyticsdb
series: bionic
  openstack-origin:    &openstack-origin    distro
  openstack-region:    &openstack-region    RegionOne
  oam-space:           &oam-space           oam-space
  admin-space:         &admin-space         oam-space
  public-space:        &public-space        oam-space
  internal-space:      &internal-space      internal-space
  overlay-space:       &overlay-space       internal-space
  ceph-public-space:   &ceph-public-space   ceph-access-space
  ceph-cluster-space:  &ceph-cluster-space  ceph-replica-space
  oam-space-constr:    &oam-space-constr    spaces=oam-space
  ceph-access-constr:  &ceph-access-constr  spaces=ceph-access-space
  osd-devices:         &osd-devices         /dev/sdb
  aodh-vip:            &aodh-vip            ""
  ceilometer-vip:      &ceilometer-vip      ""
  cinder-vip:          &cinder-vip          ""
  dashboard-vip:       &dashboard-vip       ""
  designate-vip:       &designate-vip       ""
  glance-vip:          &glance-vip          ""
  gnocchi-vip:         &gnocchi-vip         ""
  heat-vip:            &heat-vip            ""
  keystone-vip:        &keystone-vip        ""
  mysql-vip:           &mysql-vip           ""
  neutron-api-vip:     &neutron-api-vip     ""
  nova-cc-vip:         &nova-cc-vip         ""
  rados-gateway-vip:   &rados-gateway-vip   ""
  contrail-keepalived: &contrail-keepalived-vip   ""
  worker-multiplier:   &worker-multiplier   0.25
  docker-registry:     &docker-registry     "hub.juniper.net/contrail-nightly"
  docker-user:         &docker-user wrongUser
  docker-password:     &docker-password wrongPassword
  image-tag:           &image-tag    "5.1.0-0.573-queens"
  docker-registry-insecure: &docker-registry-insecure false
    constraints: tags=spare
    series: bionic
    charm: cs:ubuntu
    num_units: 1
    to: [ "1" ]
    charm: cs:ntp
    num_units: 0
      source: ntp.ubuntu.com
    charm: ./contrail-openstack
    series: bionic
    num_units: 0
      docker-registry: *docker-registry
      docker-user: *docker-user
      docker-password: *docker-password
      image-tag: *image-tag
      docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure
    charm: ./contrail-agent
    num_units: 0
    series: bionic
      log-level: "SYS_DEBUG"
      docker-registry: *docker-registry
      docker-user: *docker-user
      docker-password: *docker-password
      image-tag: *image-tag
      docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure
      vhost-gateway: ""
      physical-interface: "nfp_p0"
    charm: ./contrail-agent
    num_units: 0
    series: bionic
      log-level: "SYS_DEBUG"
      docker-registry: *docker-registry
      docker-user: *docker-user
      docker-password: *docker-password
      image-tag: *image-tag
      docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure
      dpdk: true
      dpdk-main-mempool-size: "65536"
      dpdk-pmd-txd-size: "2048"
      dpdk-pmd-rxd-size: "2048"
      dpdk-driver: ""
      dpdk-coremask: "1-4"
      vhost-gateway: ""
      physical-interface: "nfp_p0"
    charm: ./contrail-analytics
    num_units: 1
    series: bionic
      log-level: "SYS_DEBUG"
      docker-registry: *docker-registry
      docker-user: *docker-user
      docker-password: *docker-password
      image-tag: *image-tag
      docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure
      control-network: ""
    to: [ "1" ]
    charm: ./contrail-analyticsdb
    num_units: 1
    series: bionic
      log-level: "SYS_DEBUG"
      cassandra-minimum-diskgb: "4"
      cassandra-jvm-extra-opts: "-Xms8g -Xmx8g"
      docker-registry: *docker-registry
      docker-user: *docker-user
      docker-password: *docker-password
      image-tag: *image-tag
      docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure
      control-network: ""
    to: [ "1" ]
    charm: ./contrail-controller
    series: bionic
    num_units: 1
      log-level: "SYS_DEBUG"
      cassandra-minimum-diskgb: "4"
      cassandra-jvm-extra-opts: "-Xms8g -Xmx8g"
      docker-registry: *docker-registry
      docker-user: *docker-user
      docker-password: *docker-password
      image-tag: *image-tag
      docker-registry-insecure: *docker-registry-insecure
      control-network: ""
      auth-mode: no-auth
    to: [ "1" ]
    charm: ./contrail-keystone-auth
    series: bionic
    num_units: 1
    to: [ "lxd:1" ]
  - [ "ubuntu", "ntp" ]
  - [ "contrail-controller", "contrail-keystone-auth" ]
  - [ "contrail-analytics", "contrail-analyticsdb" ]
  - [ "contrail-controller", "contrail-analytics" ]
  - [ "contrail-controller", "contrail-analyticsdb" ]
  - [ "contrail-openstack", "contrail-controller" ]
  - [ "contrail-agent", "contrail-controller"]
clagom commented 5 years ago

@hatched Is this still relevant?

hatched commented 5 years ago

We'll need to follow-up on this response and see if we can reproduce.