juju4 / ansible-MISP

ansible role to setup MISP, Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
51 stars 21 forks source link

Works with VMware vSphere, between Ubuntu 20.04 servers? #12

Closed komaromibandi closed 11 months ago

komaromibandi commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have tried many times to install from an Ubuntu server to an other Ubuntu server, but the playbook always failed or I could not reach the starting screen from the browser. I have checkd many things, but I dont know what more I can do. So if anyone know this role works with VMware vSphere client, with ubuntu server 20.04, or centos 8?

juju4 commented 2 years ago

Please provide more information on your context

Note that this role has github actions configure with regular execution to validate https://github.com/juju4/ansible-MISP/actions there is currently a config issue with composer that is fixed in devel in my own manual testing but for some reasons, still failing in github actions. You can eventually try it if feel comfortable.

komaromibandi commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late answer, I had a lot of work. Here are the required informations:


Thanks in advance!

juju4 commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Please try with roles from master HEAD. You can retrieve it with a git clone. A new tag should come soon as I usually try to do twice a year. For ansible, should be fine but not newest/latest as 6.2.0 from https://pypi.org/project/ansible/#history. You have latest from ubuntu system repo.

it fails on "setting core.filemode for git". You can

komaromibandi commented 1 year ago

Sorry to not answer, I was delegated to an other task on my workplace. I tryed all the suggestions and still does not working. output file: out2.txt

I installed manually the newest ansible, the 6.5.0, but the Ubuntu did not like it. So I stayed at the ansible [core 2.13.6rc1] version.

I checked the main.yml file and I saw there was update, so the suggested lines were there. image

I started the yml file with the following command (I choosed an other name to the yml file this time): ansible-playbook -v yes.yml > out2.txt I copied the yes.yml into the ansible-MISP/ library image

Do you have any ideas what could I do?

juju4 commented 1 year ago

It is still failing on same task

TASK [juju4.MISP : setting core.filemode for git] ******************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/usr/bin/git config --includes --local core.filemode", "msg": "fatal: --local can only be used inside a git repository\n", "rc": 128}

can you try to do the command manually, disable this ansible task and rerun the play?

cd /var/www/_MISP/MISP
git config --includes --local core.filemode

you can disable the task by adding a when: false.

I tried manual run on 20.04 too and this task is not failing for me.

komaromibandi commented 1 year ago

First, I would like to thank for your help, I really appreciate it. I wanted to react sooner, but presumably my virtual machines are cursed, or whatever. When I find a solution something, even the earlier tihings, goes wrong, just like this time. I got this error messege:


Earlier somehow I fixed it (improvised and tried a lot), but I did not know this time why it is always failing.

Secondly, I suspect where I made mistakes in connection with the previous questions, so maybe after this problem it will work.

Thirdly, I can record a short timelapse video with obs and send you, what I am doing, if its help you.

juju4 commented 1 year ago

What is current status for this?

in your output.txt, there is

TASK [juju4.MISP : apt | MISP dependencies install] ****************************
ASYNC FAILED on jid=325525718794.1810
FAILED - RETRYING: []: apt | MISP dependencies install (3 retries left).
ASYNC FAILED on jid=706302355937.3288
FAILED - RETRYING: []: apt | MISP dependencies install (2 retries left).
ASYNC FAILED on jid=265351132502.3774
FAILED - RETRYING: []: apt | MISP dependencies install (1 retries left).
ASYNC FAILED on jid=209794237974.4233
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"ansible_job_id": "209794237974.4233", "attempts": 3, "changed": false, "finished": 1, "msg": "Failed to lock apt for exclusive operation: Failed to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/: E:Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)", "results_file": "/home/andrew/.ansible_async/209794237974.4233", "started": 1, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

the apt package task is failing, most likely because already an ongoing apt tasks for background updates probably. retrying few minutes later or checking if any apt process is still active should be fine.

juju4 commented 1 year ago

Closing as no update. Reopen if needed.