jukkae / rascal

A roguelike.
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Renderer crashes now and then #257

Open jukkae opened 5 years ago

jukkae commented 5 years ago

terminating with uncaught exception of type std::out_of_range: vector
abort() called

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x00007fff6f41d2f6 __pthread_kill + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x00007fff6f4d2bf1 pthread_kill + 284
2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x00007fff6f3876a6 abort + 127
3   libc++abi.dylib                 0x00007fff6c42f641 abort_message + 231
4   libc++abi.dylib                 0x00007fff6c42f7c7 default_terminate_handler() + 243
5   libobjc.A.dylib                 0x00007fff6dba5eeb _objc_terminate() + 105
6   libc++abi.dylib                 0x00007fff6c43b19e std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 8
7   libc++abi.dylib                 0x00007fff6c43af86 __cxxabiv1::failed_throw(__cxxabiv1::__cxa_exception*) + 27
8   libc++abi.dylib                 0x00007fff6c42df99 __cxa_throw + 113
9   libc++.1.dylib                  0x00007fff6c4092eb std::__1::__vector_base_common<true>::__throw_out_of_range() const + 71
10  rascal                          0x000000010446fb5f std::__1::vector<Cell, std::__1::allocator<Cell> >::at(unsigned long) + 79
11  rascal                          0x000000010446a2a1 Mat2d<Cell>::at(unsigned long, unsigned long) + 65
12  rascal                          0x000000010446a4c3 Console::drawGlyph(Point, char, sf::Color) + 131
13  rascal                          0x0000000104732a43 Renderer::renderActor(World const*, Actor const*, Actor const*, sf::RenderWindow*) + 2291
14  rascal                          0x0000000104731199 Renderer::renderActors(World const*, Actor const*, sf::RenderWindow*) + 5801
15  rascal                          0x000000010472ea45 Renderer::render(World const*, sf::RenderWindow*) + 117
16  rascal                          0x000000010459d56d GameplayState::render() + 45
17  rascal                          0x000000010459d511 GameplayState::update() + 833
18  rascal                          0x00000001044be9a0 Engine::update() + 160
19  rascal                          0x00000001045efdd2 main + 370
20  libdyld.dylib                   0x00007fff6f2e23ed start + 1```