julia-vscode / julia-vscode

Julia extension for Visual Studio Code
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Hosting #1551

Open davidanthoff opened 4 years ago

davidanthoff commented 4 years ago

We'll need to think about cloud hosting for various upcoming features: https://github.com/julia-vscode/LanguageServer.jl/issues/812 and https://github.com/julia-vscode/julia-vscode/issues/1550 would need that.

I think we probably can't use github pages because they might limit things once there is too much traffic? One problem, of course, is that we have no idea how much traffic this will generate...

Amazon AWS S3 is always one option, I presume?

Another option to check out is https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/app-service/static/, although pricing is not announced for that. The benefit there is that we already have a lot of Azure parts in the extension ecosystem, so this might integrate a little nicer into the existing infrastructure we have.

Not sure what other options we have?

I doubt we can find a solution that is entirely free... I think we can just start out with me paying for it (with some limit), to get a sense what amounts we are talking here (I literally don't know whether we are talking $10 or $1000 a month) and then figure something out. Options are probably a) adding a sponsor button to our project, b) asking MS to give us some free Azure credits because this is at the end of the day really helping VS Code, c) trying to figure out whether the main Julia project has something that we can also use.

pfitzseb commented 4 years ago

I think we'd be happy to generate and host both the SymbolServer cache and the docs cache on JuliaHub.