julia-vscode / julia-vscode

Julia extension for Visual Studio Code
1.28k stars 196 forks source link

Missing references/problems indexing #3243

Open alec-hoyland opened 1 year ago

alec-hoyland commented 1 year ago

Description of issue

Most packages return "Missing Reference" errors, including local packages. Only standard Julia packages (Random, Base, LinearAlgebra, ...) and a few others (StatsBase) are exempt. This breaks intellisense, linting, etc.

Restarting language server or re-indexing does not help. I also tried on pre-release and that didn't fix it.

My Julia environment is set up correctly and the REPL works fine -- I can run all my code, I just can't get VS Code to be more useful than just for syntax highlighting and code execution, essentially.


Environment info

Julia info

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.8.5
Commit 17cfb8e65ea (2023-01-08 06:45 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: 12 × AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-13.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver2)
  Threads: 1 on 12 virtual cores

VS Code info

❯ code --version

Extension info

Julia extension v1.38.2

Output of Julia Language Server

  Activating project at `~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/environments/languageserver/v1.8`
[ Info: Starting the Julia Language Server
[ Info: Symbol server store is at '/home/alec/.config/Code/User/globalStorage/julialang.language-julia/symbolstorev5'.
[ Info: Starting LS at 1678654972
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for Tokenize.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/T/Tokenize_0796e94c-ce3b-5d07-9a54-7f471281c624/v0.5.25_90538bf898832b6ebd900fa40f223e695970e3a5.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for JuliaFormatter.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/J/JuliaFormatter_98e50ef6-434e-11e9-1051-2b60c6c9e899/v1.0.24_04c4f16ef537e7b5fe0998e507cfeedc5b95b01d.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for CUDA_Runtime_Discovery.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/C/CUDA_Runtime_Discovery_1af6417a-86b4-443c-805f-a4643ffb695f/v0.1.1_58dd8ec29f54f08c04b052d2c2fa6760b4f4b3a4.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for ImageShow.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/I/ImageShow_4e3cecfd-b093-5904-9786-8bbb286a6a31/v0.3.7_ce28c68c900eed3cdbfa418be66ed053e54d4f56.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for HDF5.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/H/HDF5_f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f/v0.16.14_3dab31542b3da9f25a6a1d11159d4af8fdce7d67.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for InvertedIndices.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/I/InvertedIndices_41ab1584-1d38-5bbf-9106-f11c6c58b48f/v1.2.0_82aec7a3dd64f4d9584659dc0b62ef7db2ef3e19.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for ZipFile.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/Z/ZipFile_a5390f91-8eb1-5f08-bee0-b1d1ffed6cea/v0.10.1_f492b7fe1698e623024e873244f10d89c95c340a.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for Latexify.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/L/Latexify_23fbe1c1-3f47-55db-b15f-69d7ec21a316/v0.15.18_2422f47b34d4b127720a18f86fa7b1aa2e141f29.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for StringEncodings.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/S/StringEncodings_69024149-9ee7-55f6-a4c4-859efe599b68/v0.3.6_33c0da881af3248dafefb939a21694b97cfece76.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for JSON3.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/J/JSON3_0f8b85d8-7281-11e9-16c2-39a750bddbf1/v1.12.0_84b10656a41ef564c39d2d477d7236966d2b5683.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for LiveServer.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/L/LiveServer_16fef848-5104-11e9-1b77-fb7a48bbb589/v1.1.1_b0db05c042a7c54bb858f9846a4ca39ac15f8c44.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for JSONRPC.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/J/JSONRPC_b9b8584e-8fd3-41f9-ad0c-7255d428e418/v1.3.5_2b4f5f41da2ca27ac9c21ba8f716595a6cbe5c3e.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches...
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for CommonMark.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/C/CommonMark_a80b9123-70ca-4bc0-993e-6e3bcb318db6/v0.8.10_e2f4627b0d3f2c1876360e0b242a7c23923b469d.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches... (87%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for NPZ.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/N/NPZ_15e1cf62-19b3-5cfa-8e77-841668bca605/v0.4.3_60a8e272fe0c5079363b28b0953831e2dd7b7e6f.tar.gz
[ Info: Downloading caches... (93%)
┌ Info: Couldn't retrieve cache file for MosaicViews.
└   exception = HTTP/2 404 while requesting https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache/store/v1/packages/M/MosaicViews_e94cdb99-869f-56ef-bcf0-1ae2bcbe0389/v0.3.4_7b86a5d4d70a9f5cdf2dacb3cbe6d251d1a61dbe.tar.gz
[ Info: All cache files downloaded. (100%)
[ Info: Loading BSON from cache... (0%)
[ Info: Loading MLUtils from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Statistics from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading LinearAlgebra from cache... (6%)
┌ Warning: libblastrampoline_jll not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading Libdl from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading SparseArrays from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Random from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Serialization from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading SHA from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Transducers from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading DefineSingletons from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Distributed from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Sockets from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading InitialValues from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Tables from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading DataAPI from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading OrderedCollections from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Test from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading InteractiveUtils from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Markdown from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Base64 from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Logging from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading IteratorInterfaceExtensions from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading DataValueInterfaces from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading TableTraits from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading BangBang from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading ZygoteRules from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading MacroTools from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading ConstructionBase from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Compat from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Pkg from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Downloads from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading LibCURL from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading MozillaCACerts_jll from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading LibCURL_jll from cache... (6%)
┌ Warning: LibSSH2_jll not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading MbedTLS_jll from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Artifacts from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading nghttp2_jll from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Zlib_jll from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading NetworkOptions from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading FileWatching from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading ArgTools from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Tar from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading UUIDs from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading REPL from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Unicode from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading LibGit2 from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Printf from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Dates from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading p7zip_jll from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading TOML from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading DelimitedFiles from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Mmap from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading SharedArrays from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Future from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Setfield from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading StaticArraysCore from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Requires from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading CompositionsBase from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Baselet from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading SplittablesBase from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading ArgCheck from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading MicroCollections from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Adapt from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading FoldsThreads from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Accessors from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading StaticArrays from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading InverseFunctions from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading FunctionWrappers from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading SimpleTraits from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading ShowCases from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading FLoops from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading FLoopsBase from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading ContextVariablesX from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading JuliaVariables from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading NameResolution from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading PrettyPrint from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading MLStyle from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading StatsBase from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading LogExpFunctions from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading IrrationalConstants from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading ChainRulesCore from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading ChangesOfVariables from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading DocStringExtensions from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading SortingAlgorithms from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading DataStructures from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading Missings from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading StatsAPI from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading NNlib from cache... (6%)
[ Info: Loading StatProfilerHTML from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading HAML from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading Profile from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading FlameGraphs from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading FileIO from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading AbstractTrees from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading IndirectArrays from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading LeftChildRightSiblingTrees from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading Colors from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading ColorTypes from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading FixedPointNumbers from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading Reexport from cache... (12%)
[ Info: Loading MLDatasets from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading CSV from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading WorkerUtilities from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading InlineStrings from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading Parsers from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading SnoopPrecompile from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading Preferences from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading PooledArrays from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading WeakRefStrings from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading CodecZlib from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading TranscodingStreams from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading FilePathsBase from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading SentinelArrays from cache... (19%)
┌ Warning: JSON3 not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading Chemfiles from cache... (19%)
┌ Warning: Chemfiles_jll not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading BinaryProvider from cache... (19%)
┌ Warning: ImageShow not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
┌ Warning: NPZ not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading MAT from cache... (19%)
┌ Warning: HDF5 not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading BufferedStreams from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading GZip from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading Pickle from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading InternedStrings from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading Strided from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading TupleTools from cache... (19%)
┌ Warning: ZipFile not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
┌ Warning: StringEncodings not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading Glob from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading JLD2 from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading DataFrames from cache... (19%)
┌ Warning: InvertedIndices not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading PrettyTables from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading Formatting from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading Crayons from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading LazyModules from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading DataDeps from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading HTTP from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading URIs from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading IniFile from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading LoggingExtras from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading MbedTLS from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading OpenSSL from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading OpenSSL_jll from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading JLLWrappers from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading BitFlags from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading SimpleBufferStream from cache... (19%)
[ Info: Loading TinnitusReconstructor from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Documenter from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading IOCapture from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading JSON from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ANSIColoredPrinters from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading SampledSignals from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Unitful from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading DSP from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading IterTools from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading SpecialFunctions from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading OpenLibm_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading OpenSpecFun_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading CompilerSupportLibraries_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Polynomials from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading RecipesBase from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading MakieCore from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Observables from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading FFTW from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading AbstractFFTs from cache... (25%)
┌ Warning: MKL_jll not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading FFTW_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading IntervalSets from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading EllipsisNotation from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ArrayInterface from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading IfElse from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Static from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ArrayInterfaceCore from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading SuiteSparse from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading TreeViews from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Memoize from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading FastBroadcast from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Polyester from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ThreadingUtilities from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ManualMemory from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading PolyesterWeave from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading CPUSummary from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading CpuId from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading StrideArraysCore from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading SIMDTypes from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LayoutPointers from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ArrayInterfaceOffsetArrays from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading OffsetArrays from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ArrayInterfaceStaticArrays from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCore from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading CloseOpenIntervals from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LibSndFile from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libsndfile_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libvorbis_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Ogg_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading FLAC_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading alsa_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Opus_jll from cache... (25%)
┌ Warning: LiveServer not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading Flux from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading CUDA from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading RandomNumbers from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GPUCompiler from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LLVM from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading CEnum from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LLVMExtra_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LazyArtifacts from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ExprTools from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading TimerOutputs from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading CUDA_Driver_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading BFloat16s from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GPUArrays from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GPUArraysCore from cache... (25%)
┌ Warning: CUDA_Runtime_Discovery not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading CUDA_Runtime_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Random123 from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ProgressLogging from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading OneHotArrays from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading NNlibCUDA from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading cuDNN from cache... (25%)
┌ Warning: CUDNN_jll not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading Optimisers from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Functors from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Zygote from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ForwardDiff from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading DiffResults from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading CommonSubexpressions from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading DiffRules from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading NaNMath from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading IRTools from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ChainRules from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading StructArrays from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading RealDot from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading FillArrays from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Plots from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Showoff from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Grisu from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GR from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GR_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Fontconfig_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Bzip2_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libuuid_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading FreeType2_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Expat_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Pixman_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading FFMPEG_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LAME_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading FriBidi_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading x264_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libaom_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading x265_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libass_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading HarfBuzz_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libffi_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Cairo_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXrender_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libX11_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libxcb_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading XSLT_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading XML2_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libiconv_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libgpg_error_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libgcrypt_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXau_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXdmcp_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_xtrans_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Glib_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Gettext_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libmount_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading PCRE2_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXext_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libpng_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LZO_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Graphite2_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libfdk_aac_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading JpegTurbo_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Qt5Base_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libglvnd_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_xcb_util_image_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_xcb_util_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading xkbcommon_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_xkeyboard_config_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_xkbcomp_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libxkbfile_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Wayland_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Wayland_protocols_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_xcb_util_wm_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_xcb_util_renderutil_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_xcb_util_keysyms_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libtiff_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LERC_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Zstd_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GLFW_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXcursor_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXfixes_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXinerama_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXrandr_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Xorg_libXi_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading JLFzf from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Pipe from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading fzf_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Unzip from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading RecipesPipeline from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading PlotUtils from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ColorSchemes from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ColorVectorSpace from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading TensorCore from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LaTeXStrings from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading RelocatableFolders from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Scratch from cache... (25%)
┌ Warning: Latexify not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading FFMPEG from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Measures from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading UnicodeFun from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading PlotThemes from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Contour from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading PortAudio from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Suppressor from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading alsa_plugins_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading PulseAudio_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading eudev_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading gperf_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Check_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading SpeexDSP_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading SBC_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GStreamer_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GMP_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LibUnwind_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading GSL_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libcap_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Elfutils_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading fts_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading obstack_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading XZ_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading argp_standalone_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libtool_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libasyncns_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading SoXResampler_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Gdbm_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Readline_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Ncurses_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Dbus_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading BlueZ_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading Libical_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading ICU_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading BerkeleyDB_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libsamplerate_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading libportaudio_jll from cache... (25%)
[ Info: Loading LanguageServer from cache... (31%)
┌ Warning: Tokenize not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading StaticLint from cache... (31%)
[ Info: Loading CSTParser from cache... (31%)
[ Info: Loading SymbolServer from cache... (31%)
┌ Warning: JuliaFormatter not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
┌ Warning: JSONRPC not stored on disc
└ @ SymbolServer ~/.vscode/extensions/julialang.language-julia-1.38.2/scripts/packages/SymbolServer/src/SymbolServer.jl:247
[ Info: Loading ProgressMeter from cache... (62%)
[ Info: Received new data from Julia Symbol Server.
LilithHafner commented 10 months ago

I also ran into this

Screenshot 2023-08-24 at 4 16 01 PM