julian-groen / LibreKit

LoopKit CGMManager which allows direct connectivity with FreeStyle Libre
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Carthage update #3

Open edimoldovan opened 3 years ago

edimoldovan commented 3 years ago


I was trying to do a Carthage update, but I get the below error in the output -- any suggestion of how to fix this? I tried both branches -- maybe I'm doing something wring?

Thank you, ed

➜  LibreKit git:(develop) carthage update --use-xcframeworks
*** Fetching LoopKit
*** Fetching SwiftCharts
*** Checking out LoopKit at "ac51fc2f4c18170fafa0bb0ea3c69e2964247cd7"
*** Checking out SwiftCharts at "0.6.5"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/j5/yssrvjgx74bfhcytz9vrj4340000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.PGyQ8j.log
*** Building scheme "SwiftCharts" in SwiftCharts.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "SwiftCharts tvOS" in SwiftCharts.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "Shared-watchOS" in LoopKit.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "Shared" in LoopKit.xcodeproj
Build Failed
    Task failed with exit code 65:
    /usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /Users/eduard_moldovan/www/iOS/LibreKit/Carthage/Checkouts/LoopKit/LoopKit.xcodeproj -scheme Shared -configuration Release -derivedDataPath /Users/eduard_moldovan/Library/Caches/org.carthage.CarthageKit/DerivedData/12.4_12D4e/LoopKit/ac51fc2f4c18170fafa0bb0ea3c69e2964247cd7 -sdk iphoneos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES archive VALIDATE_WORKSPACE=NO -archivePath /var/folders/j5/yssrvjgx74bfhcytz9vrj4340000gn/T/LoopKit SKIP_INSTALL=YES GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS=NO CLANG_ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE=NO STRIP_INSTALLED_PRODUCT=NO (launched in /Users/eduard_moldovan/www/iOS/LibreKit/Carthage/Checkouts/LoopKit)

This usually indicates that project itself failed to compile. Please check the xcodebuild log for more details: /var/folders/j5/yssrvjgx74bfhcytz9vrj4340000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.PGyQ8j.log
julian-groen commented 3 years ago

@edimoldovan Hi,

Currently Carthage isn't really working that wel since the intro of the M1 MacBooks. I don't know if this issue has been fixed already since I am using LoopWorkspace. Also it seems that LoopKit itself fails so this issue is not related to LibreKit. Therefore I suggest to switch to LoopWorkspace or research this issue yourself. Good Luck!

jrahaim commented 3 years ago

I couldn't find any instructions that worked w/ LoopWorkspace and LibreKit. Do you have a link?

julian-groen commented 3 years ago

@jrahaim I think this url can be useful: https://github.com/dabear/LibreTransmitter/blob/main/build.md. Keep in mind to change everything to LibreKit ;)

jrahaim commented 3 years ago

@julian-groen Perfect. thank you.