juliang22 / ObsidianTimestampNotes

This plugin allows side-by-side notetaking with videos. Annotate your notes with timestamps to directly control the video and remember where each note comes from.
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Support local files with obsidian links or relativ path #20

Open NanisTe opened 1 year ago

NanisTe commented 1 year ago

I would like to link at least to a video at a certain timestamp. Even if the timestamp extraction does not work I would like to have a link which opens my local video in my vault at a certain timestamp.

Would this be possible. Currently I have to open the local file timestamps each time by hand to open it in your media player.

Would it be possible to have a link which automatically opens the link in your player and not the Obsidian player?

Thanks a lot for this nice plugin which works well with youtube files but less with coursera downloaded video files for example. Which you obviously would like to annotate.

NanisTe commented 1 year ago

I would love to help developing this plugin.

NorwegianRoar commented 1 year ago

Would also love this feature +1

profucius commented 1 year ago

I would also love to have this feature!