juliangarnier / anime

JavaScript animation engine
MIT License
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Speed up the duration during reverse playback #867

Open oa-netigo opened 11 months ago

oa-netigo commented 11 months ago

I want to reaveal und conceal a List via animejs. This list is searchable. so as a user, I want to conceal the list so fast as possible to reveal the new list result, that I searched for and dont want to wait the regular animation (reveal) speed.

So I want to speed up the duration during the reversal playback.


var animation = anime({
  targets: '.reverse-anim-demo .el',
  translateX: 270,
  duration: 1000,
  loop: false,
  delay: function(el, i) { return i * 200; },
  easing: 'easeInOutSine'


// my approach:
animation.duration = 10;
