julianh2o / Podbase

Image database aimed at scientific applications
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Priority 1: Hyperlinks to PB2 images do not work #97

Closed danhartline closed 10 years ago

danhartline commented 11 years ago

When I copy and paste the URL for an image from the browser into a Word hypertext link, Podbase first asks me to log in (I am already logged in), then when I do, it deletes the URL from the browser and brings me back to the main menu, instead of displaying the image (the way PB1 works).

julianh2o commented 11 years ago

This works for me.. Can you try visiting https://podbase2.pbrc.hawaii.edu/entry/8#/Public/Acartia1/CW080113_Acartia1_10x_BF.jpg

You might need check on some things. In word, you can look at a link's properties, see if the complete URL shows.

Is the behavior for clicking an HTML link in a browser and clicking on the URL from the word document itself?

danhartline commented 11 years ago

Hi, Julian,

Very strange.  The link you sent me works, of course.  When I create a

file in my old Word (Winword of 2001 vintage -- I think it is known as "Word 2000") on my old computer, the hypertext links work fine to PB2 just as they did before -- it doesn't ask for an extra log-in nor issue security warnings (despite an https:// URL).

On my new computer (your Macbook Air running Bootcamp and Word2010),

it first warns that the site is untrusted and asks if I want to proceed, then it asks for an extra log-in (when I was already logged in from that computer) and finally it only goes to the Podbase home page and not to the linked image/browser location. I tried it also using a Word document made some months ago when the hypertext links worked perfectly from that computer and Word version, and they no longer work. Would it be the change-over to https:// from http://?

The link you sent works fine from either of my computers without

asking for additional log-ins, but the link from Word does not. Might there be a security setting in Word that is triggering this difference in behavior? I am running my Word2010 in "compatibility mode" so it puts out and reads .doc rather than .docx, but even when I save my Word file in .docx format and reopen, it doesn't work. And it USED to work a few months ago.

ALSO, the link that shows up in the "Browser link and thumbnail" window works fine provided I edit it to change "http://localhost:8080" to "https://podbase2.pbrc.hawaii.edu" (I'll log a Github issue to deal with that).

It sees to be a Word weirdness, but I have no idea how to fix it.

Many thanks!


This works for me.. Can you try visiting https://podbase2.pbrc.hawaii.edu/entry/8#/Public/Acartia1/CW080113_Acartia1_10x_BF.jpg

You might need check on some things. In word, you can look at a link's properties, see if the complete URL shows.

Is the behavior for clicking an HTML link in a browser and clicking on the URL from the word document itself?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/julianh2o/Podbase/issues/97#issuecomment-22922475

Daniel K. Hartline Research Professor and Director Bekesy Laboratory of Neurobiology University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, HI 96822 www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/~danh

julianh2o commented 11 years ago

Can you try different ways of setting up the URL in Word? As well as different combinations of opening new browser windows (especially secure browsing windows).

Double check that the images that you are using have visible set on them. I think that in order to debug this properly, we might need to get on Skype and have me walk you through some steps. Word is kinda a strange beast and may be partially contributing to the problem. (See if you can reproduce this problem using an HTML document that you edit)

danhartline commented 11 years ago

I tried the link situation in Excel also -- both my old excel and the new one (Excel 2007?) have the same problem as Word2007. I don't know how to change the settings on the hypertext links in Word -- if you can even do that. Monica's Word is the same. Only my old Word on my old computer works. It is a real important feature that I have come to depend on, and seems to be a result of the shift to a secure shell -- why would Podbase ask me to log in again when I am already logged in? It doesn't do that for other situations -- I can even close the Podbase window and Firefox browser and I am still logged in (often) when I reactivate Firefox?

I'll retry after the migration...


Can you try different ways of setting up the URL in Word? As well as different combinations of opening new browser windows (especially secure browsing windows).

Double check that the images that you are using have visible set on them. I think that in order to debug this properly, we might need to get on Skype and have me walk you through some steps. Word is kinda a strange beast and may be partially contributing to the problem. (See if you can reproduce this problem using an HTML document that you edit)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/julianh2o/Podbase/issues/97#issuecomment-23214841

Daniel K. Hartline Research Professor and Director Bekesy Laboratory of Neurobiology University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, HI 96822 www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/~danh

danhartline commented 11 years ago

Hi, Julian,

 I got this email from Monica, and without logging on, I clicked the link.  That took me (quite correctly in this case) to a log-in dialog.  After I logged in, it then took me only to the home page, just like Word -- it did not "remember" that I was going for a specific image in the link.  Now having an active log-in, when I clicked the link again, it took me to the appropriate browser image without asking for another log-in.  This seems to be exactly what is happening in the various versions of Word and Excel in which we have been unable to use hypertext links to get at the images (except for Word 2000 on my old computer).  Why would Podbase not recognize that I am logged in when I access it via Word, whereas it has no problem from the email (or for that matter, from HTML files linking to it)?

---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: before mass copying and pasting From: "Monica Orcine" orcine@hawaii.edu Date: Mon, August 26, 2013 18:14

To: "Dan Hartline" danh@pbrc.hawaii.edu

Hi Dan,

If you have time, I was wondering if the information I inputted is okay for mass copying and pasting to images acquired from A2 grid. I thought it would be best to ask you before making mistakes and have to make more corrections.


I have attached the txt file

Many thanks, Monica

danhartline commented 11 years ago
  This inbility to use the Word hyperlinks is a serious problem that is  making it hard to use Podbase2 for internal data analysis (it would still be fine for public dispaly, althoguh the feature is really helpful, and others might like it if they were seriously using the images rather than just browsing for "pretty pictures."). 

  I talked to Brad aboutit.  He was puzzled too.  It would seem to have something to do with the security provisions (obviously).  He said something about the Word and the browser "threads" not communicating with each other -- the browser is losing the URL information present in Word.  I have now tried this using Firefox, Chrome (Monica) and Safari (with Mac Word) and the results are pretty much the same.  He thought that Podbase might be able to remember the full URL of the request from Word when it comes in and restore it after the second log-in.  That would help, but it still leaves the annoying problem of not being able to link directly and quickly to the image the way it did before.  Brad asked whether everything was encrypted or just the log-in part?  He wondered whether switching to non-encrypted once log-in had been accomplished would help -- there is no real reason to encrypt images and metadata -- it just soaks up computer time)?  The other issue was whether Podbase uses cookies to establish the log-in link.  I'm not sure how it could not, but then why doesn't Word access the same cookies, since it uses the same browser that was used for the log-in?

  I need to modify my description of how it works with Word on my old computer.  It was working using the http://podbase2.pbrc.hawaii.edu URL (which morphs into https://), but maybe not 100%.  It seems that on my old computer the FIRST time I try to access Podbase.net through the hyperlink, it takes me to a new log-in page (althogh I already logged in once), but once it has gotten the log-in through Word hyperlink the first time, the NEXT time I go in through Word, it lets me throught directly.  The SAME hyperlinkused on the Macbook Air  (I ported over the Word document with the hyperlink by email) takes me to the log-in pop-up EVERY time -- not just the first.  Could that interesting facet help resolve the issue?  HTML links still work fine (which ALSO puzzled Brad -- since they come in the same way through the browser).  Well -- I'll keep testing things...
julianh2o commented 11 years ago

I've made a small change that should make what's happening here a bit more clear. If you try to access an image that you do not have access to, you should get a "forbidden" message rather than being redirected to the login. You will only be directed to the login if you are not currently logged in.

danhartline commented 11 years ago

Hi, Julian,

 It still does the same thing.  I am logged in to danh@pbrc.hawai.edu

and have no trouble accessing the images in the ShrimpMyelin folder, and I have a Word file consisting of:

"This is a test of the hypertext link to FM111130-1_SM_DH13-01_A2_001-002_2k-mont.jpg in Podbase2 via Word. Here is a link to the full-image."

with the image name hypertext linked and set to: https://podbase.net/entry/16#/ShrimpMyelin/TEM/Saron/SM1/DH13-01_A2/FM111130-1_SM_DH13-01_A2_001-002_2k-mont.jpg

which I copied and pasted from the URL bar in the browser.

Also, I hypertext linked the "Here" to the full image: https://podbase.net/data/ShrimpMyelin/TEM/Saron/SM1/DH13-01_A2/FM111130-1_SM_DH13-01_A2_001-002_2k-mont.jpg?brightness=0&contrast=0

When I control-click on either link, it takes me to the log-in pop-up. I've tried it in Mac Word also -- same results (Mac Word only requires a straight click, not ^click).

It should work the same way for you, if you are running Word (it does for Monica).


I've made a small change that should make what's happening here a bit more clear. If you try to access an image that you do not have access to, you should get a "forbidden" message rather than being redirected to the login. You will only be directed to the login if you are not currently logged in.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/julianh2o/Podbase/issues/97#issuecomment-23687925

Daniel K. Hartline Research Professor and Director Bekesy Laboratory of Neurobiology University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, HI 96822 www.pbrc.hawaii.edu/~danh

julianh2o commented 11 years ago

I hadn't actually updated the server when you posted. I've just committed another change that should improve the behavior when you're presented with a login screen (redirecting to the correct URL afterwards).

julianh2o commented 11 years ago


Bug in Word.