julianhille / MuhammaraJS

Muhammara a node module with c/cpp bindings to modify PDF with js for node or electron (based/replacement on/of galkhana/hummusjs)
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Add strikethrough implementation #295

Closed joemoongit closed 1 year ago

joemoongit commented 1 year ago

This works similarly to the addUnderline() method Here is an example when you pass text containing <del> tags into text() pdf-strikethrough.pdf Please let me know if you have any suggestions

julianhille commented 1 year ago

Please add del element to tests/TestMaterials/recipe/text.html

joemoongit commented 1 year ago

Ok, completed

julianhille commented 1 year ago

Linting fails. Should i take care or do you?

joemoongit commented 1 year ago

I ran auto format for commit 41be2f8 (Shift + Option + F on Mac, VSCode)

I ran npx prettier --write for commit 8b2e1e1

julianhille commented 1 year ago
