julianlam / nodebb-plugin-session-sharing

Allows login sessions from your app to persist in NodeBB
MIT License
88 stars 65 forks source link

Question: Session Share with ANOTHER Nodebb site (different server) #28

Closed Choppra closed 7 years ago

Choppra commented 7 years ago

My knowledge in this area isnt great but would it be possible use this to allow users from one website to log into another website?

I run two gaming communities, and the new one will have its own forum. I am curious if I can have users from the first nodebb site log into my new nodebb site without any issues?

julianlam commented 7 years ago

Hi @ATDChoppra -- this would be outside of the expected scope of the plugin, although if you build in some custom functionality to save the user cookie, it could theoretically work.

Unfortunately I don't think this would be something we would implement in this plugin at this time 😄