julianlam / nodebb-plugin-sso-twitter

NodeBB Plugin that allows users to login/register via their Twitter account.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
9 stars 8 forks source link

Session Mismatch - Infinite loop #23

Open RoiEXLab opened 7 years ago

RoiEXLab commented 7 years ago

When using this plugin, with the API keys etc. setup correctly, every time I enter my valid twitter login credentials a "popup overlay" is opened telling me this:

Session Mismatch

It looks like your login session is no longer active, or no longer matches with the server. Please refresh this page.

When i click "ok", the page is reloaded and the same message appears again. This would go infinitely, unless you remove this overlay window in the html code and click logout.

Any Ideas what could be wrong?

julianlam commented 7 years ago

Ensure that the url is consistent in your config.json and configured with Twitter. The cookie is based on the url and you should only have one main access url for your site.

RoiEXLab commented 7 years ago

@julianlam I'm using the https adress wherever possible... nginx is used to reverse proxy every https and http request to using other SSO plugins like facebook or github works fine

julianlam commented 7 years ago

Do you have cookieDomain set in your config?

RoiEXLab commented 7 years ago

No I haven't, should I? And if I should is this option just a value in the root json object?

julianlam commented 7 years ago

It's not a config.json property, it's in your database. Make sure it is not set to anything.

RoiEXLab commented 7 years ago

Where do I find this option/ where would I find it?

RoiEXLab commented 7 years ago

No it's not set...

RoiEXLab commented 7 years ago

Bumping this, as this issue still persists... A possible suggestion why this may happening: (I couldn't reproduce this issue on any other nodebb powered website) I did a couple Test to find this out. I remember creating my account on my website using the "default" register page (without SSO). Trying to log in using my Twitter account via the login page without associating my account with twitter lead to this error. BUT then I came up with the idea to associate my Twitter using the edit page of my account. After that everything worked fine, logging in via twitter worked as expected...

julianlam commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the repro steps, that could potentially be something 😄

julianlam commented 7 years ago

Can't reproduce... I don't actually see any logic that would trip up the user creation process. We don't check emails (as twitter doesn't provide them), and if the handle is the same as an existing user, they are assigned a different username.

So at this point I'm not quite sure why your environment is different and causes this to happen 😦

worp1900 commented 6 years ago

I can confirm this issue. I have it on my page too.

Together with these log entries:

Error: Failed to find request token in session
at SessionStore.get (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/passport-oauth1/lib/requesttoken/session.js:13:44)
at Strategy.OAuthStrategy.authenticate (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/passport-oauth1/lib/strategy.js:214:33)
at Strategy.authenticate (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/passport-twitter/lib/strategy.js:87:40)
at attempt (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/passport/lib/middleware/authenticate.js:348:16)
at authenticate (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/passport/lib/middleware/authenticate.js:349:7)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at next (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:13)
at Route.dispatch (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:112:3)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at /home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:281:22
at Function.process_params (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:335:12)
at next (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:275:10)
at Function.handle (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:174:3)
at router (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:47:12)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
at trim_prefix (/home/nodebb/schreibnacht.live/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:317:13)

Curious is that when I register with twitter (in an anonymous browser window), I am forwarded to enter my twitter credentials on the twitter API. When I do, I am redirected to my page and I get the error:

Interner Fehler.
Ups! Scheint als wäre etwas schief gelaufen!
(translates to "internal error. Ups, something went wrong!")


Failed to find request token in session

When I go to register again, it seems like I am logged in in the background (the "register" and "sign in" buttons at the top right are gone).

But now I have the "session missmatch" loop @RoiEXLab describes.

In some other issue topics I got the hint to check that the website's url in twitter and in nodebb's config.json are identical.

I found this to be impossible, considering that config.json reads:

"url": "https://www.schreibnacht.de"

which causes twitter to say "callback-url invalid" when I give them


as the callback URL.

However when creating the app with "http://schreibnacht.de/auth/twitter/callback" (http instead of https and no www) and then changing it later to "https://www.schreibnacht.de/auth/twitter/callback", they allow it.

The funny part is: If I close the browser window (since it's anonymous) to stop the infinite loop. Then open a new browser window and first register (fails with error) then "log in" with twitter, it shows me a "authorize this app" twitter page.

So I am really curious why that didn't work during registration.

Overall this is highly mysterious for me and I'd love any help.

julianlam commented 6 years ago

Failed to find request token in session... that could mean that a cookie was not able to be saved, or saved under the wrong domain, perhaps?

Usually wrong domain could occur if url in config.json is incorrect (hence domain is incorrect), but it could also happen if you've overridden cookieDomain in the admin control panel, which by default is empty.

Though if you did that, even local logins would stop working.

worp1900 commented 6 years ago

Not that I can see. This should be the right setting? cookie_domain_settings

worp1900 commented 6 years ago

Looks like I am having troubles with the Google+ SSO as well. The only thing I was able to get to work was Facebook. But I am aware that this is for a different repository.

What's the best way to debug these things?

worp1900 commented 6 years ago

Linking julianlam/nodebb-plugin-sso-google#25

donho commented 4 years ago

Same here. All my 3 browsers have such infinite loop for Session Mismatch message. And even I clear my browser's cookies and cache, close and reopen the browsers, once I try to go to my nodebb, the infinite loop comes back.

@RoiEXLab How did you manage to remove it ?

RoiEXLab commented 4 years ago

@donho I don't know anymore. If I recall correctly, I tried logging in with my email directly (without SSO) which seemed to break the loop. I don't know for sure though, could be the case that this only happens when first trying to setup SSO, and once you get into a certain state this no longer occurs

donho commented 4 years ago

When i click "ok", the page is reloaded and the same message appears again. This would go infinitely, unless you remove this overlay window in the html code and click logout.

I did figure out from your description. Thank you @RoiEXLab

glassdimly commented 4 years ago

I got the infinite loop problem when I cancelled my registration from the TOS page while testing the user login process. Problem is that I needed to log in to reset the session. Logging out didn't help. Given that I was pretending to be a new user who'd cancelled logout, this would be a problem--I wouldn't have a login to reset the session.